Name: Alexis Smith
Location: Gladstone, Oregon (small town south of Portland)
Building Since: 2009
About Me:
I've been a Halo fan since the game came out back in 2001. Halo was the game my dad and I would play all of the time when I got out of school and we kept playing until my dad got tired of me beating him all of the time (I was 10). I read the books and drew Halo related pictures constantly through out middle school and high school and eventually ran across the 405th my Junior year in high school. I started my first suit (just a standard green Master chief suit from Halo 3) with much exuberance and my mother was concerned that I was obsessed. This was not really the case because I like making things and since I loved Halo at the time, it all seemed to fit together. I started this project on my own and it ended up being my Senior project my graduating year. I got an A+ on the assignment and I got to wear my suit around the school for a day. The attention I got was the most I had ever gotten in a school setting because I was one of the quiet kids who sat in the corner in the hallway scribbling on a drawing pad. The best part was no one knew who I was until I took my helmet off and the shock and awe in the revelation that I was a girl was astonishing.
After my first suit, I quickly moved onto my next suit (Agent Texas) and met Jeremie, Crystal, and Derek in my costuming journey. Together, we founded the Hood's Hellions, the Portland area 405th division of the Pacific Regiment. Nowadays, I work full time as a QA tester for Microsoft. As to what projects I am on, I cannot say, but it takes a lot of my time away from my costuming but I am still able to work on new projects from time to time. Currently, I have a Reach suit sitting on the back burner (I have some gauntlets done) and I am working on a fairly large project and will keep it a secret until Emerald City Comic Con later this month.
Favorite Cons: Rose City Comic Con (Portland), Wizard World Comic Con (Portland), Emerald City Comic Con (Seattle), PAX Prime (Seattle)
Costumes/ Props: H3 Master Chief, Agent Texas (Red vs Blue), Custom Reach Spartan (in progress), Nightingale (Skyrim), Nightingale Sword, Secret Project ECCC 2015