Iron Man Mark 7 Suit

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So with but a month to go until London comic and film con, I am rushing to build a wearable suit of armour. Mk 7 Iron man suit, that is.

Here is the helmet. I have stockpiled LEDs for the Helmet/Arc Reactor/Repulsors, but these aren't worth taking pictures of.

That's a great start well done, but one hell of a time constraint. Good luck with your build :)
Looking forward to seeing this one finished being an Ironman builder myself. Hopefully next year if you're there I will have my Ironman MK V and Masterchief MK VI.
Thanks guys, I was hoping the comments from this community would keep me going. I have scoured the net, but cant find a good description/explanation of the hinges/servos I will need to make the helmet open, (which is a feature I feel I must have) Can anyone help me out with that? Also, I have done a couple of layers of resin, but the kit I bought only came with one pair of gloves. Will any disposable DIY/household gloves do? or do i need specialised ones? Thanks.
First as for the mask opening the guys that have worked it out won't share their secrets. I worked out several methods but actually building it all into such a small space is the thing. Thats why in the end I just dint do it. Not to say you should give up because as we know it's possible.

When buying gloves for your resin work get vinyl. There is some same/similar chemical property reason thingy....I forget......with silicone gloves that makes them bad to use. I bought a box of 100 cause you go through alot.

Just a thought. Not sure if you have attempted one of these builds before but a month is really ambitious. If you think about it you I'll have to complete a piece every one and a half days cause there are 19 pieces to the ronman suit. If I were you I would go for a foam build because there are foam pep files and you could easy do it in a week if you don't go to work/school/the shops/toilet etc :p
Im currently on study leave, and the month is an approximation. i have just over 5 weeks. -Still, if i dont get it done, im not too bothered. I'll just wait till next year -plus there is plenty of other events i want to go to this year. i just thought it would be nice to try to get it done. -Thanks for the input.

EDIT: oh and I cannot source foam at the moment, or I would do that method.
I have recently had a change of heart. looking more at the files, i think i may go down the foam route. also, this was my first time using fibreglass resin, and i have to say i am not a great fan of the results or the mess. Can anyone tell me what i can use that is NOT TOXIC, to seal the foam so i can paint it? Would 4 or 5 layers of PVA do it?
You have two options. One layer up PVA. Only thing about this is that PVA can peel off, bit like when sunburn does. I tried PVA and when I masked off a piece the masking tape ripped the PVA off the foam so had to repaint the whole piece. Option 2 (the best but more expensive) is undercoat with plastidip (a tin is fine not the spray, it's expensive). Because of its properties it dries nice and smooth and sticks to the foam like a mother. Ok it is a bit toxic but dries really fast so if you have somewhere you can leave the piece to dry just for like 5-10 mins then you are ok. I pop mine on some tin foil in the garage go make a cuppa, drink a bit of it and if you haven't laid it on too think it will be ready for primer. If you look through my Ironman and Halo suit build most of what you need to know is there. I will be doing full detailed video tutorials on exactly how I have made my suits soon, its just finding the time. Might see if I can on Monday night.
Thanks for the help drack. I assume by 'cuppa' you also live in england/the uk? I don't suppose you have re-sized (to A4) mark 7 pep files? my memory stick (with all my resized files) has been stolen :'( and i lack the patience/time to do it again. Or know where I can download them? -Thanks again.

EDIT: Actually - ANY A4 iron man files would be great!
I don't suppose you have re-sized (to A4) mark 7 pep files?

I have the mk 7 files as i'm planning on building it after my noble 6 build. I'll post them to you if you want them. just PM me and let me know.

I've managed to work out a fairly simple method for mechanising the helmet and tried it out and it seems to work. However I will say the mechanisation in the films is just a convenient and cool looking way of showing Tony stark in the suit for the big screen if you read the comics he actually just takes the visor off and places it on his head. It would make your life easier to do it that way, its how I plan on doing it so it doesn't all get too complicated.

Its good to see another guy from the uk attempting a build, hopefully we may bump into each other at a convention in the future!
100% support motivation! Get to it!

BTW have you got a link or attachment for that helmet??? Thats the one I'm looking for!

I'm gonna post this here as I've had a few requests now. Sadly I've got back from work and found my internets gone down so can't link files as I'm on my iPhone. I can tell you how to get them though!

Go to YouTube. Search for HeroTutorials iron man mk7 and you should find there the hero tutorials video for the mk7 go to that video and below it is the links to the files.

Good luck with it, sorry i can't do anymore right now but soon as fix the Internet issue I'll do what I can if needed.
Just Change your printer settings to print it at A4 that's how we both did it (me and DbMike know each their in RL btw).
As far as the helmet there is a dude who's showing how he did it on here I believe...There's also an instructables of a guy using a double prong hinge to adjust the faceplate properly. He uses an obtuse arm and a 90 degree curled arm as his prongs on each side and then has a simple servo in the side of the helmet that extends a piston, pushing on the obtuse prong and lifting the helmet.

Good luck on the Mk 7 though! hopefully you can also create the undersuit so you're not walking around in badass armor and a neon orange undersuit...
Sorry for the Lack of updates. Exams are eating up all my time. Here is a small update -resined the Helmet. Am considering foam for the rest of the suit. here is a chest i made, -unfinished, and some parts are not great -But I think I have a feel for foam building now.
Threadnomancy at its best! Well, after a small hiccup, I have a much longer deadline, (October) More progress, and plenty of questions.

Here is the faceplate now, nearly all the blemishes worked out.

Here is the helmet about a week ago.

And here is what I bought yesterday.

:confused Questions, kinda odd, I know. ;)

1. Is there any way I can make servo sounds as I walk or move my arms? without electronic sounds? like could I build something that makes the sound, and rig it to the joints?

2. Does anyone have a reference images or info, (or have done it themselves) of the mechanisms for the ab plates movement, and the detailed parts in the back of the elbows and knees? parts that slide inside/over each other.

3. Finally, anyone in the Uk know where to source decent amounts of EVA foam? I've tried camping mats, but they just wont cut it. ;)

Updates soon!
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