Vigilnt sniper
Jr Member
Thank you all for the comments.
@BaronVonReicher: yes it's Ruze's file, i'm thinking about making a list of which pdo we used.
@EMAW09: thank you for the advice, usually we work with a respirator, gloves and when sanding/dremeling safety goggles (that stuff produces loads and loads of dust which doesn't go well with contact lenses) in that particular shot i was about to start sanding and i forgot to wear the gloves... so don't worry i should have enough life left to finish the work
here u go... hazmat suit
Also some more pics:
for the weapons i started tracing a vector blueprint of the DMR directly from the game
rough shaping
i plan to go for the working clip/bolt/trigger route...
parts scattered everywhere
clip detail
front grip detail
My friend who's working on emile's suit is also working on a shotgun, but i don't have pics here...and as i said we prefer to focus on finishing the suits first, this was kind of a test and to take a break from pepakura... (which can be a bit tedious, especially when making twin parts...)
That's all for now, i have a full week of work ahead, i don't know i can upload something before the weekend... see u soon.
is it possible for me to get a copy of those schematics for the DMR? I have been searching everywhere for the full sized blueprints and i cant find any at all. if it is possible please PM me.
Also your build looks amazing! i have to say that it is a lot better looking than my ODST build.