It's Been A While.

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its amazing work and you make some money too and its a hobby what could be better right?

man i really need to start practicing on some doing my own from scratch models not ones i already own
Thanks buddy,

As for selling my files, I'm really not out to make a fortune. I had good reason for deciding to sell them, now I use it as a means to pay for the hobby or to pay for things for my new baby boy we're expecting. So the extra cash comes in handy.

Though I don't charge enough to be able to pay for big expensive things, my prices really are fair I think. So can people stop moaning bout the fact that they aren't free? Few things in this world are. ;)
I'm with you Skip. There are plenty of files available for free here. You trying to pay for the hobby or things for your boy is a good thing. If I had your skills, I'd probably do the same. Perhaps once I get caught up on all the builds I have (yeah right!), I'll yell at you about one of the SW helms. Keep up the good work buddy. It's all excellent.
Skupilkinson said:

Why is it always the YOUNGER members who always expect everything for free here?

Because they don't have jobs... and neither do I...

EDIT: But yes, your prices are very fair. I'll be asking you for That RC helmet someday.
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I understand that buddy. Though I have sold templates to younger teenagers already, through their parent of course. I had an hour long email chat with one dad to reassure him that it was genuine and not some sort of scam. No-one gets pressured into buying anything from me.

Ready made helmets can be very costly, and you also wait as long as it'd take to make your own before you get that ready made helmet. I personally preferred making my own Mando bucket instead of buying one. It cost me around £20 to do, I had fun the whole time I was doing it, and when I go to an event in it I can say," I made it all.". I wouldn't be just another Boba or Jango with a different paint job. So it'd be a talking piece with fellow costumers.

So even paying $7.50 for the base pep file, people still save alot of money by building their own. We pay for Bondo, fibreglass etc, so the pep file is just another part of the kit we need to make them. Paying for those too if they're of a good quality is Ok in my book. I'd pay for something if I wanted it.

The other thing I need to point out is, I do commission work for others. Like the Mass Effect stuff, the Cylon and the Helghast mask. It wouldn't be fair for me to charge the client to have it done and then give copies away for free now would it?

Anyway, to those who have bought from me in the past or those that support me and would buy from me, I thank you. :) To those who don't think it's worth a price, then that's Ok. Each to their own. ;)
Support the Man People! One must justify his time spent on what his better half may consider a waste of time. This way he can honestly say not only is he enjoying himself but also bringing in cash to House hold.

You can sit for hours yourself and try or you can comission Skip and save yourself some time. In exchange for a reasonable fee. This way you get what you want without the stress and Skip gets to keep his family happy (and His Ear Drums) :lol:
Skip. I think your prices are VERY fair. The amount of work and dedication you need to create and unfold these files is unbelivable! And come on.. £7.50 - £3.50 Isn exactly a lot of money is it? That like.. Pocket change. I can think of a million worse ways to sepnd the money.. Gambling.. Tramp's.. Clutter.. Water filters.. (sorry just trying to think of pointless stuff.)
See what I mean? :)
Well I'm with you Skip and I can't wait to see mine.

Comon guys, you can trust him. And you don't need a job to pay, just clean your room, I'm sure your parents will give you enough :cool:
When I'm ready to start one of your projects I'll get some, can you post or PM me with the email that I need to send any payments to via paypal and what I need to put in the note for future reference
Thanks again guys for the support.

For those who are interested in any of my stuff, they can visit my blog. In the banner there is my email addy. Just email me with what you're after and we can work it out over emails. ;)

LastSpartan, ;) I'm still ironing out your file buddy. I've not forgot ya. :)
Hey guys,

I've got another template set ready for any who are interested. I've just finished the Republic Commando DC-17 Blaster Rifle!!

For pics and more info, visit my blog at:

As with my other work, the file is not free. Shoot me. :) Though for those who think it's worth it, the file is on offer with 50% off for 5 days. I do this with all new releases.

Feel free to comment here or at the blog, feedback is always good. ;)
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