J!NX's Commander Sarah Palmer Foam Build

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Helmet - In Clean-Up
Torso - Not Started
Shoulder - Started
Forearms - Not Started
Ab & Butt plates - Not Started
Thighs - Not Started
Knees, Shins - Not Started
Boots - Not Started
Under-suit - Not Started

2x M6H Magnum - Not Started

Whats up everyone.
I recently finished my Halo 4 Foam Master Chief (pictured bellow) and I thought I should have a crack at building Sarah Palmer.

So with the help of and thanks to 105th Armoury and Praetorian Fabrications (over on facebook) for making foam unfolds for me. I began constructing the Scout helmet on the 22nd (4 days ago)

I have been videoing the progress so far and will eventually edit together a video showing how I personally go about constructing foam armour.

Here are some pictures of the helmet build so far.



Will post more as it develops :)
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Love the MC build. Foam can be such a great material to work with when you get the hang of it, and it looks like you've got it down pretty good. Looking forward to seeing more progress!
It's not so hard to convert a file to foam. You might want to try it rather than constantly asking for handouts.
You totally nailed the proportions on chief- that build came out looking perfect. I know that Sarah Palmer is going to be done right. I can't wait to see it.
It's not so hard to convert a file to foam. You might want to try it rather than constantly asking for handouts.

Yeah I don't have the talent to do that. I can open pepakura and print out files. Thats about it. So If I can find the last files I need I can finally start my build.
Yeah I don't have the talent to do that. I can open pepakura and print out files. Thats about it. So If I can find the last files I need I can finally start my build.

I'm going to interpret that as "I can't be bothered to learn and I'd prefer to let others do the work for me". I've pointed you to files I personally modified and made available many times, each time you've ignored my assistance. Therefore: the files exist. Otherwise, find the talent to create them yourself.
I'm going to interpret that as "I can't be bothered to learn and I'd prefer to let others do the work for me". I've pointed you to files I personally modified and made available many times, each time you've ignored my assistance. Therefore: the files exist. Otherwise, find the talent to create them yourself.

Um I never got anything from you. And I can learn if people would give me a few pointers on programs about blender and pepakura. And if you made them available, why didn't you provide a link when I searched all over the 405th?
I'm going to interpret that as "I can't be bothered to learn and I'd prefer to let others do the work for me". I've pointed you to files I personally modified and made available many times, each time you've ignored my assistance. Therefore: the files exist. Otherwise, find the talent to create them yourself.

Um I never got anything from you. And I can learn if people would give me a few pointers on programs about blender and pepakura. And if you made them available, why didn't you provide a link when I searched all over the 405th?

Not to sound mean or anything, but if you guys want to talk about this stuff please do it over PM or something instead of taking up space on this build thread. thanks :)
Not to sound mean or anything, but if you guys want to talk about this stuff please do it over PM or something instead of taking up space on this build thread. thanks :)
Agree. Take up space in your personal inbox, not J!NX'S build thread.

Good work on the build so far J!NX. The Chief armor is super cool too. :D
Not to sound mean or anything, but if you guys want to talk about this stuff please do it over PM or something instead of taking up space on this build thread. thanks :)

You have absolutely no idea how on that I already was c:
Love the MC build. Foam can be such a great material to work with when you get the hang of it, and it looks like you've got it down pretty good. Looking forward to seeing more progress!
Thats one good looking foam helmet! Keep it up and you will have a very nice suit.
That looks amazing! Keep up the good work!
great work! cant wait to see more!:D
Great MC build and great Scout helmet! Keep up the great work Danielle!
Thank you all so much, and also sorry for the delayed response.

Love the scout armor, and haven't seen a Palmer build yet. This should be good. Good luck!
Looking forward to seeing a Palmer build.
You guys should check out GeekGuardianDee's build here

You totally nailed the proportions on chief- that build came out looking perfect. I know that Sarah Palmer is going to be done right. I can't wait to see it.
Coming from you that means a lot. Thank you very much.

I dropped off the face of the Earth there, I haven't been building much of this build as I got side tracked with other helmets - oops.
I did however finish detailing the Helmet and put a quick coat of paint on it to see which gaps need to be filled and such. I also started building shoulders. However I wasn't satisfied with the file I had and decided to scratch build it. So here are some pictures. (They do open up larger if you click them)
And here is my current collection of helmets, the larger ones (ODST + Mk V) aren't for me, hence why they are larger. You can really get a sense of how tiny I am with this hahaha.
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