Thanks for all the advice, everyone!
Here are some new pics! (23 of them to be exact) Starting at this one:§ion=viewimage&img=8952
Updation info:
Armor: Torso armor is completely painted and ready. I've added some battle-worn details, like mud, rust, scratches and spots of human blood. (My jackal has seen a lot of combat

) I'm working on the schematics for the lower armor, so that'll be a while.
Hands: One hand is almost done. Almost as in it's basically done except two parts: 1. I might add actual claws instead of the ones I airbrushed on. They might look better. We'll see how much time I have. 2. I'm going to add some liquid latex to the palms. It will be pretty invisible, buuuuut it will give me a good grip on things (such as my plasma pistol)
Feet: One foot is covered in skin, all it's missing is the toenails. The armor will come after I finish covering the other foot in skin. Also, I will be adding some rubber soles to the bottoms of the stilts for grip. Also! There are some corners at the base of the feet which will be painted black to "hide" them. I was going to cut them off but there are stability issues then...
Shield: Bad news for the shield. My original idea with the shower curtain and hardening liquid plastic whatever the hell that was isn't going to work (according to my dad, who apparently tested it out on a smaller test piece.) It's apparently not strong enough. I had a guy lined up who was going to help with the LEDs, but since I have no other solution for the shield due to financial and time constraints, I'm not going to have a light up shield. I'm going to do it the old-fashioned way, and make it out of cardboard. Now I know it won't be see-through and it won't be nearly as cool, but I promise I will do my best to make it the most awesome looking cardboard shield EVER.
If my torso armor has given me any practice painting, I think I can make this shield look just as good, if not better.
Arms: Arms are almost done. Don't have pics, but I've airbrushed some more of their muscles and skin and such.
Other than that, I'm still working on things. School drains a lot of time from me, but I'm making progress. If I keep up the pace I should be able to finish.