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uhh how do i import it to pepk/aura
Those files I've attached are already pepakura; if you want to unfold another model from the game rips, you just export in blender the piece you want to ".obj", then just open it in pepakura designer and just unfold it!
Those files I've attached are already pepakura; if you want to unfold another model from the game rips, you just export in blender the piece you want to ".obj", then just open it in pepakura designer and just unfold it!
ok thanks! i spoke to soon lol im going to try and unfold a grenadier chest for my next build

Biceps & shoulders: done!

MK7_Jerverant post_05_shoulders_Mesa de trabajo 1.jpg

Isn't there really much to say: the building process is (and will be) the same for all the armor: foam, dremel, seal, paint, weathering, done.

MK7_Jerverant post_05_shoulders-02.jpg

MK7_Jerverant post_05_shoulders-03.jpg

A highlight I want to share here is the posibility of change shoulder armor, using a quite simple "hook" technique shown here:

MK7_Jerverant post_05_shoulders-04.jpg

Also, a video showing me changing shoulders:

If in a future Halo Infinite releases some more shoulder armor I like, I won't have any issue making it: just gonna make the shoulder, attach this hooks and done!

And last, this week I'll continue (and hopefully finish) the torso armor. I'm quite afraid because I don't know If I will finish by december 10th, also I have to finish (and basically start) an Infinite Master Chief suit also by december 10th, so I'm gonna put myself in tryhard mode and pray all the gods and the Force to help me finish xD Wish me luck!

Until next time!

Jerverant Cosplay · Instagram

Biceps & shoulders: done!

View attachment 325240

Isn't there really much to say: the building process is (and will be) the same for all the armor: foam, dremel, seal, paint, weathering, done.

View attachment 325241

View attachment 325242

A highlight I want to share here is the posibility of change shoulder armor, using a quite simple "hook" technique shown here:

View attachment 325243

Also, a video showing me changing shoulders:

View attachment 325244

If in a future Halo Infinite releases some more shoulder armor I like, I won't have any issue making it: just gonna make the shoulder, attach this hooks and done!

And last, this week I'll continue (and hopefully finish) the torso armor. I'm quite afraid because I don't know If I will finish by december 10th, also I have to finish (and basically start) an Infinite Master Chief suit also by december 10th, so I'm gonna put myself in tryhard mode and pray all the gods and the Force to help me finish xD Wish me luck!

Until next time!

Jerverant Cosplay · Instagram
That's awesome. I use neodymium magnets but they are heavy as hell
Visor 2.0

MK7_Jerverant post_06_visor-01.jpg

I wasn't really happy with my previous visor, so I had to try and make a new/better one; and I think I did!

I corrected the "nose" piece on the vacuum forming buck (that part was extruded out, and it should be extruded in). Once that was corrected, I made a new visor, and wrapped it with chrome tint foil (the one used for car windows).


Then, with my heat gun, I was able to shape the foil into the visor, and it came out really good!

I'm so happy with this new visor for two reasons:

1. It's much more Halo Infinite accurate.

Seriously, with my previous visor I could only see like 20 or 30%; with the new one I can see like 90% (it would've been 100%, but the visor weathering got in the way lol)

Here a comparison (left is the old one, right is the new one; both facing my chair):

MK7_Jerverant post_06_visor-02.jpg

Stay tuned!

Jerverant Cosplay · Instagram
It looks great but wow. I'm honestly shocked how blind your first visor was. o.o
For that first visor I used the technique I use for most visors; the spraypaint way lol. At least, you can see enought to not collide with other people

Wow, 2 posts in the same day in the same thread! Well, here we are: after working on it for a few weeks, the torso piece is completed!

MK7_Jerverant post_07_torso-02.jpg

I started it at the Extra Life Stream, but sadly, that day I only did the front part, and had to pause it because my focus was needed into other projects.

MK7_Jerverant post_07_torso-03.jpg

But, I've been working on it slowly, and If you are on the discord server, pheraps you've seen some of my process.

I think this is the most difficult armor piece to wear (that I've ever made); I wanted to make the torso a single piece, to be much more game accurate, but I have to contort myself to get in :lol:

MK7_Jerverant post_07_torso-04.jpg

In a future, I'm planning on add a decal with my logo; it should look something like the Griffin emblem from the game:


But that'll be for another time; right now, gotta focus on finish this armor, because I have less than 3 weeks!!

Honestly, I feel more motivated than ever, by seeing the half of the armor complete :)

Until next time!

Jerverant Cosplay · Instagram
I corrected the "nose" piece on the vacuum forming buck (that part was extruded out, and it should be extruded in). Once that was corrected, I made a new visor, and wrapped it with chrome tint foil (the one used for car windows).
Woah what? I didn't think it'd be possible - how'd you do it? And did you have to deal with seams?
Finished Armor (v1)

What kind of person would I be if I didn't show you my finished armor (v1)!

Here it is!

MK7_Jerverant post_08_v1_Mesa de trabajo 1.jpg

MK7_Jerverant post_08_v1-03.jpg

MK7_Jerverant post_08_v1_Mesa de trabajo 1 copia.jpg

And lastly but not less important: silly moments at the con featuring ODCA !!!


Big bonk (my Titan brain from Destiny took over my body here)


Well, I'm super pleased with the result, and the important thing it was that I finished in time for the 405th Mexico reunion!!

But, I'm not done with my build. I'm gonna work in the attachments (helmet, chest and hip), and my most challenging task: making a game accurate Mk7 undersuit!!

Until next time!

Jerverant Cosplay · Instagram
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