Plot twist, progress HAS started on the boots but I was contemplating how to make them and figured it could be better to print only specific parts and make the rest out of EVA foam.
So in the mean time I revisited the torso which had a few little bits missing so, here is the new torso with ab-plate and weird back stuff:
There's still that small bit that sits in between the ab-plate and torso and I'm debating how to make that at the moment so it will turn up at some point.
In addition the FJ-Para shins are done:
See you all with more progress soon,
Edit: Sooner than I thought apparently, I was playing around with blender and re did the file for the handplates using sharp edges this time, the result:
So I get the smooth surface and sharp corners now, will have these printed in no time.
Edit 2: Well, should've waited before making the first part of this post,
Anyway, more progress! Taking the existing files for the boot (modelled by Ruze) I took them into blender, smoothed and shelled them for printing, and the finished result:
Hope y'all enjoy.