Looks GREAT!! AWESOME job on your build!!
Finnished....almost, still got some smal tweeks to do later on but it ok for now
Happy Halo-ween
I too am doing a Scout helm with the HU/RS attachment. Can I ask where you got your visor. I found a couple on Amazon, but the Scout helm's visor isn't at rounded as a motorcylce visor. PM me with the info or leave it here. PM preferred, but it's your choice.
I bought mine on ebay, its a standard motorcycle visor in gold, it was a cheap one( This one i think). It was a bit of a struggle, but i just used hot glue and pressed the visor in so it fitted. Used a powertool to cut it in the right size and thats rly it....
here exactly did you split your torso? I have the same torso but Im too afraid to cut it because if I mess up I won't have enough time to redo it.