Jungle ODST (First full suit!)


Finally making a thread based on my first full suit. A modified DFT ODST with the MK-VI centurion helmet (Fred's helmet in the package)

I used hot glue, Gorilla super glue, Eva foam mats, and various straps and buckles to put it all together. I ended up cutting a lot of corners due to time crunch and lack of resources but I'm still happy with it

First things first, the chest plate. I had to cut out part of the middle in order to get it to fit onto my plate carrier. The mobility still isn't ideal but it's not obnoxiously wide.

Here's the shoulders and chest all put together (with contact cement because I forgot to mention that in the first post) and primed with Plasti dip.

As you can see the middle part of the shoulders are missing because they were pretty complex and I didn't want to risk ruining anything. And hindsight I really wish I did and you'll see why later

Here's (almost) everything primed and painted during a build day with SpartanSweed who provided the foam for and cut out the knees shins and calves. The thigh plates are the same ones that I used for my prior suit but finally nice and painted

The paint used was rustoleum flat black (which will become a problem later) and rustoleum satin moss green


I also painted the calves green then added some zip ties for a little extra insurance on the hot glue once I got home. It's kinda ugly but it works
Looking good. Can't wait to see how you tie things together. Making a jungle odst is fun and would suggest netting for jungle look lol
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