So im makeing a kamen rider suit for Anime Los Angeles. I almost have all the pep done. I also have the resin and fiberglass i need. Ive been told that bondo-glass is ok to use but harder to sand. So im debating whether or not to use it. Some of the amor as you will notice isnt the kamen rider W armor. Im just useing the pep's For a base. After i bondo it and sand it down with detail Befor I pait it. Im not going to say what i use for the other parts. I'd figure it be a fun game if people said what they are. (Lol XD)In any case none of these pep files are mine, and I dont take credit for any of them.
Well Here's the picture's
Here's the full armor ive made but the bicep's
Some close up's of the helmet. My girl is holding it for the shots
Me wareing the chest armor
Finger's and handplate
the thigh
And finally the bicep
So thats all I have at the moment. Im going to resin and fiber glass on wensday when it's sunny. Its to cold untill then.
Well Here's the picture's
Here's the full armor ive made but the bicep's
Some close up's of the helmet. My girl is holding it for the shots
Me wareing the chest armor
Finger's and handplate
the thigh
And finally the bicep
So thats all I have at the moment. Im going to resin and fiber glass on wensday when it's sunny. Its to cold untill then.