pythonmaster245's 1st Build


New Member
Hello everyone. I still need to purchase Armorsmith, but I plan to start my 1st 405th build soon! I plan to 3D print MoeSizzlac's files for Rookie from Halo 3 ODST.

I have a brand new Ender 3 v3 KE that I plan to print parts on.
Awesome to hear. I'm working on the same build myself, but I'm using Galactic Armory's 3d files. I think the Rookie is just one of the absolute best looking sets of armor from Halo, for sure the best the ODSTs have ever looked.
Now with some more 3d printing experience, I should be ready to start printing once I get Armorsmith. Forgot about this for a while.:(
I plan to print some arm pieces first.
Now with some more 3d printing experience, I should be ready to start printing once I get Armorsmith. Forgot about this for a while.:(
I plan to print some arm pieces first.
whats armorsmith? i started with using a Baumbulab A1 mini and have worked up to a neptune 4 max. Feel like 3D printing is a trial and error process but it is fun
The 405th also has some scaling tutorials for the folks who don't have armorsmith. This is the most straight-forward one in my opinion:

Other tutorials including other scaling tutorials can be found in the tutorial index. If you're using chrome, the following link should take you directly to the scaling section of the index
Got some new gray filament today for real parts to be printed! Going back to the original scale I had because I think the later versions would've been too small for a forearm. I'll share a print timelapse later!
I've successfully printed the left forearm! I'll need to buy some foam to put in it to make it fit better.
Now I'm printing a shin piece.
Just asking... How much foam are you talking about? Should it maybe be rescaled and re-printed for a better fit. You don't want to look like a size M kid wearing dad's size XL armor.
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