kami con 2014/ wedding.

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okay the creators of this con are getting married and this is just a fun con due to they have a story line with their con and to be part of the wedding you need to be have Formal military uniform may be allowed. now would armor be a type of formal military uniform? and you can't have prop weapons(no combat knifes.) i'll be there and i'll try to get pics but this is not really my thing (weddings), and I could use some people to make it feel like the 405th backs the man, plus I was wanting to know if anyone want to send them a gift of any kind, like some small things.

that's got to be the second best show ever it's and oldie but a goldly.

but the best part is they got tom blum you know him from toonmi so it's going to be good and they've also got weende lee from digimon tamers/ cowboy beepop.
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