Kansas City Renaissance Faire: September 14th, 2024 (9-14-2024)


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN

The Kansas City Renaissance Festival began its journey in September of 1977 as a benefit for the Kansas City Art Institute. Since then, the Kansas City Renaissance Festival has grown to be one of the largest Renaissance Festivals in the United States, with an annual attendance of 200,000.​

Tickets: Tickets and Pricing

Date: September 14th, 2024

Location: 633 N 130th Street Bonner Springs, KS 66012

Website: Link

Nearby Lodging: Link

Arrival Time: 11:30 AM Kings Gate

Dinner Plan: Legends Area

Hello everyone! For the past few weeks I've been gauging interest in attending Kansas City's Renaissance Festival as a big group, and the responses have been very positive! So here's the thread with all the details regarding the event:

Firstly, this is meant to be a change of pace from our usual events, a chance to unwind and be purely attendees and not have to worry over running booths or panels. Thus, I'd prefer for everyone to dress to theme! Go Wild, have fun with it, be that adventurer you have stashed in the closet but never wear out! I'm not expecting anyone to be dressed in their armor, nor do recommend it, the area is rather hilly, dusty, and its more than likely going to be hot, so leave the Mjolnir at home

My initial plan was for this to be a weekend event, folks coming in Friday night, doing the Ren Fest Saturday with Dinner afterwards, and everyone going on home Sunday. If people would rather drive up early Saturday and have it be a one day thing I'm cool with that too!

Everyone is welcome to this event regardless of Battalion/Regimental status, this is meant for all of us to have fun together as friends so the more the merrier!

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I'll be there.
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