Karas: The prophecy

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Grunts Deserve Shields Too said:
RAWR awesome how are u gonna get it all attached and things so it doesnt just fall off u cuz it looks like thats what would happen right now if u were to wear it

When I finish the whole chest assembly I'll make it seperate into two halves connecting it either by magnets or a type of shoe tie.
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Monstermaker13 said:
comments? o_O

Great work on this project so far, i have to admit you are one of the few people who can truly manipulate cardboard in a desirable way. I can't wait to see the finished suit. BTW did you say the sword was scaled down? either way nice job on it and the entire costume in whole. Looking forward to the finished product.

Also i have a question for you. IDK if you have seen the hunter suit shat i am building but i have seen yours and i was wondering how you went about making the legs a gun round. Did you free form them, use a bucket or something as a model base, score it, or wet it? Right now my method for trying to get parts round consists of cutting as many pieces as i see fit and then gluing them in a curve.

BTW what is your time frame for this proj. ? I'm looking for a finished cardboard hunter by the end of January. But you can't rush perfection. When you are finished with Karas I'd like to see the hunter finished, Maybe even hit up a con. together as a pair of hunters.
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Long Shot said:
Great work on this project so far, i have to admit you are one of the few people who can truly manipulate cardboard in a desirable way. I can't wait to see the finished suit. BTW did you say the sword was scaled down? either way nice job on it and the entire costume in whole. Looking forward to the finished product.

Also i have a question for you. IDK if you have seen the hunter suit shat i am building but i have seen yours and i was wondering how you went about making the legs a gun round. Did you free form them, use a bucket or something as a model base, score it, or wet it? Right now my method for trying to get parts round consists of cutting as many pieces as i see fit and then gluing them in a curve.

BTW what is your time frame for this proj. ? I'm looking for a finished cardboard hunter by the end of January. But you can't rush perfection. When you are finished with Karas I'd like to see the hunter finished, Maybe even hit up a con. together as a pair of hunters.


JK man ... but like UPDATES we want UPDATES!

The sword isnt scaled down (I hope not) , I'm trying to make this suit as acurate as possible.

I simply free formed the leg peices, fold the cardboard along the grain (lines...) until it is nicely round, work with cardboard like you would with wood, layer and use its strengths.

Time frame for karas? Sometime in the summer, July I think, Finishing and fibreglassing this suit will be time consuming.

I would really like to finish the hunter, skip that.. LOVE to.. but you have to see the fact that I have little or no room for it, including time, though a stand would help alot.

Selfish? naw.. I just like to have recognition.. that is if it looks good... ;)

Thanks for the support.
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Awsome stuff monster. But we need a pic of you wearing it (for scale) the helmet looks HUGE! Awsome job on it so far though.
Monstermaker13 said:
Anyone recognize this?



Happy holidays. :lol:

hmmm... looks like a amulet, or a compass, but other than that i'm stumped. Very nice work though
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smilie120 said:
Awsome stuff monster. But we need a pic of you wearing it (for scale) the helmet looks HUGE! Awsome job on it so far though.

Hows this?

(note , I dont have the arm peices , chest , or gauntlets completed.. yet.. :lol: )
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Monstermaker13 said:
Hows this?

(note , I dont have the arm peices , chest , or gauntlets completed.. yet.. :lol: )


Thats Hot!

..... *Opinion* Panic @ the Disco sucks big hairy Bon Jovis!
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holy damn, where do you get all the carboard, i think i want to make my own custom suit using cardboard, its alot eaisier in my opinion.
Dude that is AWESOME! Love making stuff with cardboard, only downside is it takes up so much space in my small room :cautious:
That is amazing. Lol my mom saw the picture and asked what it was made of. I told her and said "Isn't that amazing?" And she replied "I wouldn't say amazing." I said "I couldn't do that lol" she said " Ya you could, it's just eyeballing, cutting, and folding." I sat there like :cautious:

lol sorry for long dialog thing.
Amazing. I was planning on creating my own Karas costume, and Googled it to see if anyone else was attempting the same. I found one Yurine costume, and this. And I have to admit, what you have done here is incredible. I was actually planning on using plywood, though, for mine.
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