Update Time!
I've been working away at the chest piece and have it about 50%-ish done (if you don't count the ab plate or spine

). I was hoping to have it closer to wrapped up by the end of the weekend, but it has stubbornly decided to take longer.
The front section is based roughly on the previously mentioned file I used for the size study, but the rear pieces didn't feel very foam friendly so I decided to do the back from scratch. I know it's not 100% accurate, but I'm ok with that

. I still have layering details to add to the back, then I can make the connection pieces and add in the neck and arm seals.
Here's what I've got so far:
View attachment 156755
I'm using a few different thicknesses of foam: the usual 1/2" foam floor mats (grey), 1/4" craft foam (white), and 2mm craft foam (also white). I've just been using an x-acto to cut the foam, which seams to work ok as long as I don't let the blade get too dull.
Hopefully next weekend I'll have the chest together