Props Lee Kegan Battle Rifle TLC

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Well-Known Member
(copied over from the RPF)

Well one Halo prop that I've probably pestered Lee about one too many times finally comes into my possession. I've always loved the Battle Rifle design, the covanent carbine being my next favorite weapon design. Lee did an outstanding job with this rifle and I couldn't let it go!
But I digress..this is, according to Lee, the first casting made, and I also believe to be the very same one featured on Halo Waypoint on Xbox Live.


Halo Waypoint image:


As you can see, it's a little rough. The forward rail portion broke off, either during shipment, or was previously broken (looks like there was bondo or filler around the break) The forward beyonet attachment needs some reconstruction. Overall, I might repaint the upper reciever to the gunmetal color.

The scope is still in good condition, but just need to make the lenses for the front and back. Maybe even get a crosshair decal on one end. IDK, this should be a relativly quick re-furbishing!

There we go. CA glue w/ accelerant does the job. Just needs some filler and sanding. I didn't mention it before, but the forwardmost parts of the rails weren't permanently attached (or just came off) but I secured those down as well and it feels a whole lot stronger now as a prop.

LeeKegan makes the best weapons! I like your quick mod of the break and how you took care of it. I want to see what you do with the scope when you're done.
Nice! Lee Keegan BR = Epic win. Oh, and is that the MPC imperial shuttle in the background? I am SO jealous.... that thing is so hard to find...
I too like the battle rifle look over the DMR.
DMR looks like a scout's weapon, the Battle rifle is for Gentlemen! :p
Yep I'm very happy I was able to snag this. As for the scope, I've got an idea that should work. It won't be really functional, but it'll at least look the part. I was thinking about just cutting the appropriate sized circular pieces for both ends out of clear plastic, then chrome spray the inside, and then use that krylon Xtreme chrome blue paint for the outside. One member used it for his odst visor which I think looks very well done.

As for the rest of the rifle, I'm debating if I want to repaint the silver as gun metal, since this is still a unique piece given the history of it.
Not a whole lot to show today, but Im starting to focus on the scope. Initially, I was thinking about making it somewhat functional, but how'd I like to do it would just be too costly for what it is. So, Im going doing the next best thing for accuracy's sake. I took styrene and cut it down to fit on both ends of the scope. I took some quick steel epoxy putty and put a good amount on both circles. I haven't had the chance today since it cured to start grinding away, but I'm going to sculpt it down to form a faux scope lens (curved) and then I'm going to hit it with the accurate shade of blue.


I did some more spot filling today. I've decided that I'm going to keep it to it's original colors, and re-spray the silver. The scope will have the appropriate black dials w/ red highlights. I might paint the triangle details black though. Overall, I want to maintain the recognition of how it is on Waypoint.

EDIT: Just noticed the the in the Halo Waypoint image, the upper reciever is NOT painted, but still in it's primer state

Working on the lenses. The forward one is done being grinded and sanded. I need to paint the scope before I can attach them though.



The rear scope lens is just about done as well

Please, for the safety of you and others, do not walk with that out in public, it is just THAT good.

LOL I'm not sure if I will or not considering how much I value it. Maybe in the future when I get my chief up and running, I'll troop with it, at select locals where I know I won't have grubby touchy hands
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