Awesome! Im so pumped to start a wooden prop on my own
So ill ask you some quick questions
1. What are the best tools for a beginner to use?
It matters on what you have available and if you know how to use them.
My main 3 tools are scroll saw, Table sander, and drill press.
I also use hand drills, files, snap blade knives, sand paper, and small chisels.
2. What kind of wood do you use? It looks like on some pictures that some parts of the wood are glued. Are they glued to make a block you can carve out of, or are they pieces that have been carved and then glued?
Poplar sheets from Lowe's is the wood I use most.
I cut out each layer and glue together and some of it is then sanded for small angles on them.
3. Do you keep your pieces under presure when you glue them? The stuff I made at school got marks from that.
I use clamps with rubber faces to hold pressure on them or if I use metal clamps I put another piece of wood between the wood and clamp.