With your wood working skills you could easily make this into a master mold for drop casting. Then you could pull Aluminum-Urethane casts from them & polish them up to a high shine, or even do a sand cast and pull steel or even titanium copies off of them!
With your wood working skills you could easily make this into a master mold for drop casting. Then you could pull Aluminum-Urethane casts from them & polish them up to a high shine, or even do a sand cast and pull steel or even titanium copies off of them!
Hah - "wood-working skills," he says. what a hoot. You should see these up close, they're really rough. I could probably work them up to a reasonable quality, but I don't know. I'll take some new pictures to demonstrate how non-awesome these really are.
As you can see, it's really quite rough. I definitely wouldn't want to mold it in its current form. (You can also see the defect in my camera's lens. Ugh.)
And a picture of me holding it, for good measure. No, I wouldn't hold an actual knife that way, heheh.
With your wood working skills you could easily make this into a master mold for drop casting. Then you could pull Aluminum-Urethane casts from them & polish them up to a high shine, or even do a sand cast and pull steel or even titanium copies off of them!
Now lets see...a 10mm x 300mm x 300mm sheet of titanium is about $1600 (www.advent-rm.com), and looking at the blade width you could get maybe 10-15 blades out of that much metal...so call it $160 per blade plus the cost of casting durable handles (kevlar impregnated ceramics anyone?) so I would say at least $250 per knife so $500 for the set...
still not bad seeing as you'd be able to cut through THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WITH THEM!
well mate, if you can wait until mid November, maybe December, I should be able to maybe make you a set of real knife blades, if you want. right now, my smithy is down for repairs, and if possible, it will be open by November.