Legendary MK6

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well i promised an update and now i shall deliver! with a little disclaimer sadly, i couldnt find the camera during my progress so sadly, i only have images of the finished pieces. BUT i dont think anyone will care because I have a DOUBLE UPDATE!:cool So, first up i have the finished cod piece and butt plate, which was alot of fun, but nerve wracking! i worried so much about warping and getting the hardware to fit, it was a nightmare, but my planning and execution was solid, and i didnt have to take a second shot at it! so enjoy!




Now for the second part! and i must say, i never inagined i would have this done, but here it is, my thigh pieces are finished! these, i really enjoyed doing, they were so much fun and so easy! Now for eveyone who follows my thread, you know that i have already modified almost every armor piece to be more functional, and tie in to the real world a little more, and that continues with my thighs and butt plate, as you've already noticed, the butt plate is missing the lower part, it is way more comfortable and maneuverable! and its the same kind of story on my thighs, i didnt do much, but i completely removed the scaled inner thighs! for now it stays like that, but it mught change in the future. up next for completion is my shins, sadly, im broke, so i wont begin working on them for about another week sadly! but once i do, its a straight shot to the finish line! that is all for now, thanks for following, and all your support, feedback, and comments! it really is all you guys here on the 405th that push me on to belt out a new piece as soon as possible!






My favorite part of the whole suite!
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well it has been alot longer than i thought. sorry to anyone and everyone who waited for this, its been a rough year for me entirely. well i finally finished my suite about half a year ago, and i got too caught up in my life to share. hope you all enjoy my pics and the teaser at the end.


got my 15 minutes of fame

full suite

throwback to an earlier pic, with my cat inspecting the goods
i wasnt too happy with my weathering on the pauldrons... may fix that later...




once again, sorry for the huge time gap. hope you all enjoyed watching my build as i did making it, i will try and be more reliable with my posting in the future!
Well hot damn! I was wondering if you ever going to finish the suit lol. Looking might fine bud. Quick question though, is it just me or is the butt plate crooked at the bottom left side?
Otherwise i think the armor turned out fantasticly :)
yeah its not exactly straight, i hope to post more pics of me wearing it in the future, because it does look spot on there, but i have some issues to sort out on how it all sits, and what i want out of it.
thanks, i am happy about it!
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