Let me tell you a story

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Sarge Christi said:
Hilary is the anti-Christ.
I'm voting Repub.

Also, she and other dems want socialized medicine, and I want my mom to keep her job. (She works for a medicine company).
Free health care that works for everyone = omg lets raise taxes like canada :D

If someone wants healthcare, they can pay for it themself, I know many americans cant afford it, but I'm not going to pay for everyone, wether they can afford it or not, I'm not going to see my country turn into canada where everything is priced 30 percent more than the US.
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yes, socialized health care is bad, why? because the money doesn't magically appear to pay for it, it comes from our pockets, and since medicine is expencive, that means high as hell taxes, which means that people who actually HAVE health care, and actually work for it, get penalised. Imagine life as an MMO, if your rich and high-level, do you want to be forced to pay for all the begging noobs?

Bigger taxes, means everyone is poor, and we are one step closer to Soviet America.

DKK said:
and theres nothing wrong with socialized medicine aright. how about you come back when you foot the bill after your lung collapsed due to resin / fiberglass inhalation.

Yaa Ok sure..... Then maybe someone can explain to me why so many Canadians are crossing the border into Michigan and other northern states to pay top dollar for health care.

Perhaps they don't mind Paying for BETTER health care here than they can get in Canada. So please next time your sick by all means drive up to Canada and check it out.

AoB Well Said!
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