i swear, the kids in my chemistry class are freakin retards that don't listen to a word people say, and just care about their rap music and their chains. AAAAH try explaining the LHC and the fact that black holes are an after-effect, but not a dangerous one, to a bunch of idiots.
god, i wanted to kill someone, because ignorance drives me mad.
the LHC is really a cool thing, we could see different dimensions, experiment with dark matter, man, that is cool.
the media really screws up everything good. they blow everything out of proportions, and once that happens, then religion has to get their dirty hand in it, saying its the end of the world.
aren't there any smart people anymore? oh yeah- we are all in hiding while the bombs fall.
you wanna see rediculous? see zeitgeist, and try not to go nuts with rage. i couldnt.