Nice pics!
Is that first picture lock-down mode? Did someone toss a sticky at you?
What happened in the second pic? Did BMO say no to your loan for a Warthog request?
lol Longshot once again provides the motivation necessary for us of lesser skill to pretend to make our own suits. Amazing work, longshot. "Longchief" hahaha
I guess it makes sense to post the pics of Longshot I took today in this thread. XD
Here's just a couple teaser pics....
Oh Chief, all out of sammywich? So sad... :'(
And now for some fun haha pics!
I fell out of my seat when I saw longshot's pic wearing the flag like dress lol'd goodness XD
First you spear impostor Church with the flag (well, I'm ok with that), then you wear it as a dress. You sir have gone too far!!! Seriously though, suits looking great like always and great pictures by hyo.
Sir you're build is just so amazing. I also love all you're photo shoots, looks like allot of fun.