1st Build Looking for advice/feedback on direction.

Which cosplay should I pursue?

  • Continue Halo Infinite Chief cosplay

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CYNE 739

As the title says, I'm looking for advice about the direction to take in regards to my first cosplay.

I started a thread back at the start of October, in the hopes I could scrape together a Poncho Master chief cosplay before a convention on the 2nd of November. Due to life getting busy and some other troubling matters, that didn't pa out in time. I was hopefully optimistic about getting it finished in time, but I wouldn't be devastated if it didn't happen.

I am here now, looking ahead into the future and possibly thinking of making a cosplay for Gold Coast Supanova, which happens on April 12th next year. I've got some long-time friends in the area, and there's a lot more 405th members there than there is in Adelaide.

Context over, here is the query; do I continue with my Halo Infinite Chief build, or pivot and do a Halo 2A ODST (my favourite armour in all of Halo)?

I haven't made a ton of progress on the Chief cosplay in fairness, it was more material gathering. Thread linked below to see progress/inventory.

The H2A ODST would require less armour, which is a plus when thinking about transport. However, the helmet has me scared. I really want to strive for accuracy over everything else, so the visor would have to be MINT. I have compiled a lot of threads about others H2A cosplays for reference on the build process, and believe it would be slightly easier than a full suit chief. My main concern was that I'd have to make my own helmet (rather than just using the Jazwares chief one I already owned), but after finding a 3D model for the helmet online, I am less apprehensive. Chest/shoulder/shin/boot armour could be made of foam, as I still have 2 sheets of 12mm and one of 8mm, or I could just go full 3D print for everything. Leaning towards foam for the chest piece and shin guards, 3D printing for shoulders and boot armour.

But is that just stupid to scrap a project that I have almost everything ready for? I made these huge raised boots, which I wont need for my ODST. I hooked up custom fans (and have the materials to do a microphone-to-speaker system) to my helmet, and it's just going to sit in a tub indefinitely, abandoned? What makes me think the Chief costume good tho is the instant recognisability; alot of people know Master Chief, alot less people know of ODSTs, much less the H2 version. I am also 6'5, so it just makes sense to be a towering spartan.

TLDR my white whale is a H2A cosplay, but I am still happy with an Infinite Chief (which I already posses alot of the elements for)

I am curious to hear your opinions on my situation, from both veterans of the 405th and newcomers.

Thankyou for reading.
Part of my "new armorer FAQ" post is suggesting to do a cosplay that's less demanding of exact fitting before tackling a Spartan. I mean you *can* do a Spartan without previous experience but it does tend to lead to a fair amount of waste recycling as you play Goldilocks with your parts
  • This one is too big
  • This one is too small
  • This one is right around, but too short
  • ...
So basically I figure if you're going to be making 3 costumes anyway, you might as well have 3 *wearable* costumes, and keep all your hair instead of pulling it out in frustration.
  1. First is one with just a few plates that can be off by 15% and still be useful. The Mandolorian or Aliens Marine.
  2. Second has tighter tolerances like ODST and now if you're off by 5-10 percent you still don't have joint lock up
  3. Then as Spartan
  4. Then the crazy-arse fitting Ironman with 5x the number of sliding parts and fit like a tailored suit.
Which is all just back story to one guy's advice which is: Do the ODST first.
I know it's an old thread, but just for tracking my journey's purposes, here is the new build thread I have started;

Id go with H2A ODST because its obvious you love the design and you wanna make the stuff you like because youll have more fun. You will also be so much more comfortable and I love how functional it is with its many pouches that can be easily substituted with any police duty belt pouches Pepakura - H2A ODST Cosplay has some pepakura unfolds for some armor pieces that while you do have to unfold and work with the pattern manually is still workable and looks really nice. I totally get wanting things to look "perfect" I am notorious for working on things for weeks and throwing it all away because I didn't like it, but at the end of the day most people will see the big picture "coolness" and not care about the little stuff!
Id go with H2A ODST because its obvious you love the design and you wanna make the stuff you like because youll have more fun. You will also be so much more comfortable and I love how functional it is with its many pouches that can be easily substituted with any police duty belt pouches Pepakura - H2A ODST Cosplay has some pepakura unfolds for some armor pieces that while you do have to unfold and work with the pattern manually is still workable and looks really nice. I totally get wanting things to look "perfect" I am notorious for working on things for weeks and throwing it all away because I didn't like it, but at the end of the day most people will see the big picture "coolness" and not care about the little stuff!
You're spot on about the passion; I just can't get this project out of my head! Even though I have been thinking about it so much, I haven't had the time to action those thoughts. Slow and steady, going to make it once and make it right.

That thread you supplied is super handy too, I'll add that to my mega-thread index of Halo 2 ODST cosplays.
I would say to do the one you want the most, if you love the ODST over the chief then do that one. You can always come back to it after you finish the ODST, its not wasted. If youre 3D printing the helmet, galactic armour have the files for $20 i believe and it is in pieces that just fit together at the end so no hassle. The ODST is an easier build as its not as armour heavy so i imagine it wont take you nearly as long to make.
I say H2A ODST, but I tend to favor ODSTs anyway, just don’t see many H2A Troopers, looking forward to whatever you decide on

I cast my vote for the halo 2 odst. After all, the motto in the banner says build your character. If you're really eager to do a halo 2 odst, then go for it solider! This also doesn't mean you have to stop working on the chief altogether; you can always come back to it after a period of time. On top of that, I think you will find that an odst will be more forgiving for a first cosplay and from what I hear it will be much easier to travel with. Best of luck on whichever project you decide to work on!
I would say to do the one you want the most, if you love the ODST over the chief then do that one. You can always come back to it after you finish the ODST, its not wasted. If youre 3D printing the helmet, galactic armour have the files for $20 i believe and it is in pieces that just fit together at the end so no hassle. The ODST is an easier build as its not as armour heavy so i imagine it wont take you nearly as long to make.
ODST it is. I am expecting it to be an easier build, as it's less armour and more soft-parts focused, which I think I'll be more skilled at doing. I'm a big advocate for customising one's own clothes to suit them more, and I've been making my own clothes for a few years now.

I say H2A ODST, but I tend to favor ODSTs anyway, just don’t see many H2A Troopers, looking forward to whatever you decide on
Keep an eye on this thread, it's my current build for the H2A ODST;
I'm expecting to be finished by April next year, just waiting on all my online orders to arrive before proceeding.

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I cast my vote for the halo 2 odst. After all, the motto in the banner says build your character. If you're really eager to do a halo 2 odst, then go for it solider! This also doesn't mean you have to stop working on the chief altogether; you can always come back to it after a period of time. On top of that, I think you will find that an odst will be more forgiving for a first cosplay and from what I hear it will be much easier to travel with. Best of luck on whichever project you decide to work on!
Building my own character it is! I'm certainly more excited to work on this ODST than Chief; I think my passion for Chief came from trying to impress my mates with a character they would know and appreciate. But now I'm working on a character that fellow fans can really appreciate. Thankyou Nate, not just with you input on this thread but on all the questions I've had recently across different thread. Super helpful and welcoming.
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