Ma5C Sliced- First Attempt

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looking phenomenal man! i had an idea to make one outta eva foam floormat, but i ran into the did you manage to fit the entire rifle slice on one piece?

Want to say "Thank you"
to everyone who is checking the thread... AND to everyone who has offered a "pat on the back" or have asked questions. I really apreciate the interest....

So I decided to head into the classroom on a Saturday to sit and do some more work on the rifle... again using Roadwarrior's detailed PEP as a visual reference.... Here is what we ended up with:


I would have loved for some of the details to have been a bit thinner... but pretty hard to cut the foam accurate and thin... So this is what I ended up with.... I am pretty OK with it so far....


Let me know what you think of the details... peace out....

Dont know if this has been asked, but what type of glue did you use?
Looks really good :)

Hey Man!

Just using regular hot glue... That worked incredible for the EVA Foam core... couldn't pull that stuff apart after the glue cooled :p

Foam center: EVA 1/2" foam
Underside handgrip: EVA 1/2" foam
White wrap and muzzle guard 1/4" Craft foam
Black greble layer 1/8" Craft foam
Whate Greble and Trim 1/8" Craft Foam
Barrel and Light 1/2" and 1" Copper Tubing

I usually mock up the detail pieces on a piece of cardstock after look at references... figure out what will fit and can be cut out of the foam and go from there.... Cut it out... test it to fit on both sides... Then cut it out. Test fit again dry and make sure again that it is going to fit and get the alignment right... then hit it with the hot glue and put it into place. Press it down... clean off excess glue and "hot glue hair." It's also about 30 degrees here in Wisconsin now.... so I will put it out side on a table for a "cool down" while I mock up the next piece...

It is NOT the cleanest work one could do...and its sure not movie prop quality... BUT it is a learning experience for me to get comfortable with pattern making and the materials... and it is light and pretty dang fun to play around with....

I hope that helps... still have to complete from the thumb guard --> back ... so I still have a lot to finish.... I'll keep everyone posted.

Thank guys!

Wow nice, I've got my DMR printed and ready to be sliced for EVA.
Been working Eva for my suit, almost done with my shin, I have about 9 hours into it so far.
I've heard from others and done it myself, you can clean up the edges with a Medium Grit 3M Sanding block and a heat gun. I've used a Low Temp Soldering Iron to Clean up mine and add inset details. Of course as a woodshop teacher you've probably thought of it already.

I like how you used the thinner Foam as panels.
Just WOW! when i saw your original pics i wasn't expecting anything like this. It looks great man keep up the good work!!
Man. Looking good. I only would think that before detailing the top, you should have sanded or cut the top to look more angular like the real assault rifle, rather than having the round be top b/c it doesnt look good to me. The rest looks beast though. I will be following this though. good luck.:$
Man. Looking good. I only would think that before detailing the top, you should have sanded or cut the top to look more angular like the real assault rifle, rather than having the round be top b/c it doesnt look good to me. The rest looks beast though. I will be following this though. good luck.:$


Certainly a valid critique... and I appreciate the honesty. Truth is... you are correct in that the top of the barrel should be angular and I suppose I could have done that... but honestly... I had no idea I would be able to get this far... wasn't sure the materials would hold up or even work for this project. Now that I have worked with the foam... and figured out ways of getting it to do things, I will certainly try to get a bit more "correct" with the next one :p I have some more pics to post tonight... so we'll give this one finish... and then work on getting the next a lil more correct :p

Wow, very nice job. I especially like the current look with the white foam. It really helps you imagine that you can give it one of those camos Modern Warfare 2 does on their guns (artic, Blue Tiger, etc.)
As promised... update pics... Sorry that these are not as good... these are from my cellphone....


So for tonight... finished the stock cover over the magazine clip...added a few raised trim pieces on the stock...and a couple minor details.... I also round the top edge of the stock at the back... and rounded around the edge of the thumb guard....

Overall... pretty pleased with where it is now... notice that there is a major flex point in the foam core of the rifle just in front of the thumb guard... I might have to think of something creative with the next one to stiffen it a tad more....

But for me... not too bad of a first weapon project... going to look into ways of coating it... and perhaps painting it... will keep you post of course :)

I ought to say, that rifle is a nice piece of work. I do have an idea on how to stiffen up the weak point. My thought is to add a center layer of 1/8" steel, or wood if metal isnt an option, in between the 2 core foam pieces. That way, your gun has a sturdy core that wont be giving out any time soon. The only concerns I have with this method is that I dont know if hot glue will be able to stick the foam to the sheet steel.
Best of luck.
Good evening Gentlemen... and ladies....

Decided today to start work on Ma5C Mach II

I brainstormed some of the things I learned from the first.... and here goes....
Pic at the end....

1. I decided to take the center piece of the form and mock it up in three pieces... butt stock, main body, and what I call the scope... I cut notches in the top and in the main body.... My thought being that I could use wooden dowel rods to align the parts and to stiffen the overall body of the rifle.

2. I took some hard plastic pieces I had and lined the inside of the trigger area and used a small compression spring along with a fresh cut wooden trigger. I figured with the foam I needed something stiffer for the spring to rest against... and for the trigger to slide against...

3. Here you can see me gluing up the core... I used a 1/2" wooden dowel as the center support and stiffener...

4. For the scope area, I used square 1/2" pegs in the slots I had can see the scope part with holes.

5. I know Spartan-279 questioned on page 3 why I didn't go with a more correct scope instead of the rounded one on rifle #1. you can see with pic #5 that I went with more of the angled boxy look that is correct for the scope section.... Hope that looks better Spartan :cool

6. You can see the body here with the scope and butt stock now glued in place. I had to cut out two scopes (fudged the first one). But it is a good start and was a solid 2 hours of work in the wood lab today....


As always... REALLY appreciate your critiques... brutal or not... and your insight.

Thanks to ALL who have come and looked and commented... REALLY appreciate it....

Cujo3131 :D :$
this one is coming out pretty nice also. i wasnt sure how a weapon would look out of foam ,but you made realize alot of things can be accomplished with foam. Nice work

I know you were waiting on it... here is tonights update ;)


Worked tonight on the the "scope" covering. I miss cut the width on one piece and didn't realize it til it was glued down... Oh well... I can live with it....

You can look at the bottom left and see a side by side comparison of the fronts... Can definitely see that the first was WAY curved and round... the new one has more angle and stuff to it... I used a black insert pad near the barrel on the new one... ran out of the 1/4" white foam...will get some more this weekend....

On the right, you can see a side by side of the "scope" where the counter would be... still kinda "rounded" but much closer to the shape.... far better then the rounded one on the first rifle.

So just a little progress.... not bad for about 2 hours after school.... I can NOT tell you how great it is having a band saw to cut this stuff with....

Solo: Thank you for the kind words!

playdohlord Your too kind... I don't know that genius has ever been associated with me :p But I'll take it :)

Thanks everyone for looking.... will post more as I get it together :)

Was reading over at the RPF about a few people working with foam....

Seems there are two accepted ways at sealing this stuff.... I saw people using
White Elmers glue in combo with other things to seal.... and also saw Modge Podge.

the critiques I heard on Modge Podge was that it made the foam very ridge and that
was not the best thing for armor... but in a application like this, would that work?

Can Modge Podge be sanded? or painted over? I have plenty of small scraps of foam to
experiment on... just wondered what others have tried....

I heard on Modge Podge was that it made the foam very ridge and that
was not the best thing for armor... but in a application like this, would that work?

Can Modge Podge be sanded? or painted over? I have plenty of small scraps of foam to
experiment on... just wondered what others have tried....


Yes, Mod Podge can be sanded and painted over. Really impressive work on the AR!
Yes, Mod Podge can be sanded and painted over. Really impressive work on the AR!

Cool! and thank you VERY much TD2253... I appreciate that....

I'll have more work done on it soon after I finish up my ODST Shoulder plates.... just needed a little break from the rifle.
I can tell you that the kids in my 3D animation class at my High School think this whole thing is a hoot and can't believe their instructor is building Halo armor and stuff... It has gotten them interested more Blender (which is what I teach) and in Pepakura... ANYTHING that gives a kid a spark and helps them do something constructive in this world :)

This is much better than MY piece of junk. I didn't know foam could look so good.
i think i might stick to making mine out of wood :p although this looks good, does it move???? 'tis the question... also, do you think it would be mouldable? y'know, incase you wanted 50 or so more for a certain room in your house.. (the armory??.. SHH!! it's a secret!!)
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