Machinima - Halo Lasted Long, Mw2 Lasted Sh*t

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Well-Known Member
Well, title says it all.

I have an awesome machinima script, that will blow your mind!!!

This machinima is mainly about how Halo, halo was crushed by MD2 and then cam back with Awesomeness!!!

If you are interested in helping or just want to give some tips go ahead.

Well, for this film, I will need:

-Assistant Producer/Director

Requirements: can help with script, and can help do other scenes

1.The King Cobra

-8 Halo 3 players, and 3 of those will be acting, and 5 will be playing in the background

Requirements: most of the armor, have to be a good player, good connection, and have to have a mic

Main Actors:




Background Actors:



6.sword of omond



Replacement (If any of the current actor quits)


2. Queen



More if needed

-3 MW2 players, all of them will be acting

Requirements: most of the weapons, good connection, and have to have a mic



2.sword of omond






more if needed

-3 Video editors

Requirements: Good editing programs, can extract clips from other vids, and both will have to work together


1. Grim_Killer

2. Caboos318

3. Dr. KriSpY

-3 Camera men, so we can get different angles and stuff

Requirements: Good with camera on forge, and good connection



3.The King Cobra

- 2 Video extractors (The guys who are going to take the videos from Halo 3 and MW2)

Requirements: HD quality Vids, and the ability to do it


1.The King Cobra

2. TheHow7zer

-1 Adult Narrator

Requirements: good narrator voice


- 2 Sound editors

Requirements: Good editing software

Sound Editors:

1. Caboos318

2.Dr. KriSpY

Ok, so I will need about 23 contributors, If you feel that you can take it, you can take more than one role.

This is not going to be one of those noobish machinimas, so Im looking for good people that are willing to do this and have equipment or experience.

Also if you are not following instructions and being a "badass", I will kick you out of the film.

Right now I just want to make the group and plan stuff out, I have most of the script done, but I don't want to post it right now because its not done, and I don't want people stealing my script.

I was thinking of filming when Reach BETA comes out so we can get some game-play for the video.

So If anybody Is up just post down below :)
PM sent to you Alex for a few of the places. Also might be able to get some of the people at the game place I go to with helping out.
Nintendude said:
PM sent to you Alex for a few of the places. Also might be able to get some of the people at the game place I go to with helping out.

Added you to the list my friend :)
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roguespartan said:
I want in as well bro. Im up for either role. id do main actor if possible.when will it take place?

Ok, sure but what game would you prefer???

And about the filming I'm not sure, lets just get everything together and then we start filming.

But like I said it would be after Halo Reach BETA
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A_Guardian said:

I wish i had a 360 and gold. :(

I would love to be in on this.

The sad thing is i have a copy of halo 3.

Well that sucks man :(


why do you havea halo 3 copy if you don't have a 360?? :p

Also you can get pretty cheap xbox live arcades in craigslist.
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i can be a background person for the halo 3 part. Ill just have to go get a mic soon( my old one broke from trying to find more ways to fix it, lol) :)
Th3 FETT MAN said:
i can be a background person for the halo 3 part. Ill just have to go get a mic soon( my old one broke from trying to find more ways to fix it, lol) :)

Ok, adding you to the list

and about the mic, don't worry we still have about a month to start filming :p

I might be interested, shoot me a PM for details.

Well, there isn't major details, for this machinima.

Its just the story of how halo lasted to years, compared to MW2 that only lasted a couple of months.

If you are interested I can PM you some of the script
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Assistant Producer/ Director added to the list.

I won't let just anybody fill this position, I have to trust you and know that you can take the responsibility


Im still taking people in, so If your interested go ahead and tell me :D
Oh, oh, oh, can i become a voice actor???

Edit: I mean actor in the game, with voice.
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