Machinima - Halo Lasted Long, Mw2 Lasted Sh*t

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Can I do background halo 3 player and/or narrator (if there's cursing for any I cant do it)

I'm an impressionist so I can alter my voice to sound like just about anything! (even brutes for halo: sigma, hint hint
Nintendude said:
I'm pretty sure I can do some Audio Editing if I know what it is you are needing done I use Goldwave for that, as for video extracting I would need to know what program to use that would be free and a week to train myself with it and I can do both.

Well about the audio I mean I just need the audio to follow the Video

you know what I mean??

and also to cut out unnecesary pauses or disturbing sounds or whatever, just simple stuff.

And about the Video, there is two ways

1. Buy Bungie minutes or something like that to get footage from your bungie acount


2. Check this videos

You will only need to watch 2 and 3 but If you want you can watch the others.

In those videos they talk about sound, acting, filming and other stuff

Rhinoc: Well If you want you can be a Halo 3 background character, but about the narration I´m looking for an adult narrator like in the movies :p
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Background and camera man please :) (Halo)

GT : Skulls n Guns .

Note if any of you send me a Friend request tell who you are and why.
Ok adding you guys to the list :D

Roadwarrior I added you to the extra list because currently all spots are full, but If any of the current actors leave you can take their spot.

But you are camera man :p
Alex spartan177 said:
Ok adding you guys to the list :D

Roadwarrior I added you to the extra list because currently all spots are full, but If any of the current actors leave you can take their spot.

But you are camera man :p

When I posted I'm sure there was a slot in background, oh well, I iz teh camra manzors! lol.

Also, I suggest asking MrOreo if he would like to be the narrator.

Also, Also, I agree with the statement that OCD:MW2 only lasted two months before it went to S#!7 and Halo 3 lasted is still strong after three years.
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Roadwarrior said:
When I posted I'm sure there was a slot in background, oh well, I iz teh camra manzors! lol.

Also, I suggest asking MrOreo if he would like to be the narrator.

Also, Also, I agree with the statement that OCD:MW2 only lasted two months before it went to S#!7 and Halo 3 lasted is still strong after three years.

Sorry, I just forgot to add Rhinoc, my bad :(

And I will try to PM MrOreo if he wants to be my narrator

Well, you have to agree thats a complete true statement :p

and thats why Im doing this machinima, to show HAT3RS

HALO is the BEST :D
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I have SONY ACID PRO (audio editing) and SONY VEGAS PRO (video editing), i am pertty good with VEGAS and know the basics of ACID. would love to help, let me know.
Dr. KriSpY said:
Can I be a backround actor and maybe a video editor?

GT: Cheapkill123

Well I can add you as an extra, but sure you can be a video editor :D

Caboos318 said:
I have SONY ACID PRO (audio editing) and SONY VEGAS PRO (video editing), i am pertty good with VEGAS and know the basics of ACID. would love to help, let me know.

Ok sure :D

Love when people help

and maybe you can add this machinima to your site when its done :)


All I need is

2 Video extractors

1 Adult narrator

1 Co-Director


1 Audio editor

I may add other spots and stuff, but thats all I need right now. After I get the people I need we will start planning and such

and Sorry if I kick you out or something, Because If I feel you are not good enough or I find someone better dont get mad or bash.

I just want to make a good machinima, and I also stated that I wanted good people, so dont get mad please
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Alex spartan177 said:
and maybe you can add this machinima to your site when its done :)

Yeah, I'm sure we can figure something out. :] let me know if you need me

also, what kind of audio do you need done. If its nothing way to intense, i think i can help. I am pretty good with video tho.
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I also use Acid, but it isnt the pro version

Also I have Adobe Soundbooth for audio also, but I not much trained in it.

Also What effects do you think that you want to add?

Im able to do some stuff but if you are wanting to add some effects tell me, so I can perfect what ever it is before doing the edits, Saves time. I use Adobe Aftereffect,

And for the final edits I use Premiere, So looks like caboose is working on editing also, Im sure that even through you use Vegas Im sure that wont be a problem.

adding 3d elements is still new to me, so if your wanting to add a 3d model into the video may want another person to do that.
Caboos318 said:
Yeah, I'm sure we can figure something out. :] let me know if you need me

also, what kind of audio do you need done. If its nothing way to intense, i think i can help. I am pretty good with video tho.

Well about the sound, Its just simple

make it match to the video, tune it a little so it wont sound bad

Simple stuff :p

Dr. KriSpY said:
What video editing do you have in mind because I'm pro in iMovie HD (I have a mac that I use for video editing)

Well when we start filming I will have more Ideas in what I have in mind

Right now Im kinda picturing it, but I may change my Idea

But it will be simple :p

well alex if you ever need an extra voice or body actor, im always up to help you :)

Sure I will just add you to the extra actors
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Grim_Killer said:
I also use Acid, but it isnt the pro version

Also I have Adobe Soundbooth for audio also, but I not much trained in it.

Also What effects do you think that you want to add?

Im able to do some stuff but if you are wanting to add some effects tell me, so I can perfect what ever it is before doing the edits, Saves time. I use Adobe Aftereffect,

And for the final edits I use Premiere, So looks like caboose is working on editing also, Im sure that even through you use Vegas Im sure that wont be a problem.

adding 3d elements is still new to me, so if your wanting to add a 3d model into the video may want another person to do that.

Well like I said it will be simple stuff, but alot of it :p

I wont be adding 3d stuff

and like I said Im still picturing the video but It will change in the future

For now guys just worry about getting ready whenn we start filming
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Well I can help out with any of the acting parts for either game I have all the armor unlocked in Halo 3 as for Modern Warfare 2, I prestiged but I'm at level 55
If you do want to do any 3D stuff, i have some (not a lot) xp with 3D tracking and what not. Tho i tryed my hand at 3D modeling, i'm not so good. None the less, i can put it in your vid. Well other then that, i am ready to go! I may have limited editing time do to my own movie once we start filming, but we have not started yet so we'er good. :]
crackhead09 said:
Well I can help out with any of the acting parts for either game I have all the armor unlocked in Halo 3 as for Modern Warfare 2, I prestiged but I'm at level 55

Well man I have all the actors already but I will add you to the extras :D

Caboos318 said:
If you do want to do any 3D stuff, i have some (not a lot) xp with 3D tracking and what not. Tho i tryed my hand at 3D modeling, i'm not so good. None the less, i can put it in your vid. Well other then that, i am ready to go! I may have limited editing time do to my own movie once we start filming, but we have not started yet so we'er good. :]

Well I assure you there would be no 3d stuff everything is going to be from the game
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