Major Props' Mirage Spartan Build

Hey folks!

Quick update to the build. I decided to start off easy and work on the least troublesome parts of the build, which is definitely the arms! Loads of flat sections, really easy to print and sand smooth.

Here we have them all weathered up, using a mix of sponged black and silver, brown oil washes, and acrylic pigments for dust/dirt build up! Finally, I used a vinyl heat wrap to add the carbon fibre to the wrists, which adds such a cool pop of visual interest! The weathering was made more severe towards the ends of the arms, and less heavy towards the shoulders

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Keep an eye on this thread for new updates as I work on my spartans sidearm, the classic Halo magnum, as I also work on a system to effectively maglock the pistol to my thigh plate, using fidlocks!
Damn that weathering looks amazing!
I am actually doing the Mirage helmet as an upcoming video right now, which will include the use of the carbon fiber vinyl!

Spoiler: I use the following vinyl alongside a heat gun at low temp. Just stretch and cover, it's super easy!

And to answer Lojak 's question, I really like how the carbon fiber pops right now, so I think all I am going to do in the future is just apply weathering pigments to the recesses and keep it as is!
I used that same wrap for my ab undersuit piece, but hadn't thought to use the heat gun on it. I just stretched it and glued to EVA pieces with hot glue and barge cement. The heat gun would have probably made it even better, I'll have to try that when I update
We've been very busy in the GA workshop, but I took some time to workshop one of my main goals for this costume: to have a convincing maglock system that is highly secure from being sheared off when trooping. The answer came when we started using magnetic couplers called Fidlocks!

Fidlocks come in many forms, but this method uses their 'SNAP' couplers. The addition of two female ends on the thigh plate, and two male ends on the pistol creates an incredibly strong, low profile hold, and ensures that the magnum can only be removed when I want it to! Check the images of the connection below:




And here is a short video of me stress testing the strength of the connection, and how easy it is to find the connector when I am wearing my gloves:

Hopefully it won't be as long between updates, but to make it up to you folks, here is a preview of the next step for this build:

Insane update! I love your idea for the mag system and it blends so well with the armor! How are you attaching your nylon straps to the thigh plate? Need to do mine soon so I am scouting for ideas.
Insane update! I love your idea for the mag system and it blends so well with the armor! How are you attaching your nylon straps to the thigh plate? Need to do mine soon so I am scouting for ideas.
The files by Title Wave Design actually includes the slots for the straps in the design, which matches the rigging seen in game. Everything is just laced through, and held up by a webbing belt!
We've been very busy in the GA workshop, but I took some time to workshop one of my main goals for this costume: to have a convincing maglock system that is highly secure from being sheared off when trooping. The answer came when we started using magnetic couplers called Fidlocks!

Fidlocks come in many forms, but this method uses their 'SNAP' couplers. The addition of two female ends on the thigh plate, and two male ends on the pistol creates an incredibly strong, low profile hold, and ensures that the magnum can only be removed when I want it to! Check the images of the connection below:

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And here is a short video of me stress testing the strength of the connection, and how easy it is to find the connector when I am wearing my gloves:

Hopefully it won't be as long between updates, but to make it up to you folks, here is a preview of the next step for this build:

View attachment 348099
Oh, i am so stealing that thigh clamp idea! also the weathering on that Mag *chef's kiss*.
Two updates in 7 days, what?!

Big progress recently! The helmet is now done! The big ol' fish bowl visor is easily the most comfortable helmet I have. Super spacious, with unparalleled visibility! Files for the helmet came from us at Galactic Armory, but I decided to drill into the sides to add LEDs, to match the Spartan III Mirage helmets seen in Halo S2. Honestly, I love this helmet style, and I will jump at any excuse to add more carbon fibre!





All of the armour is now printed, with only the chest and back still to sand, and the cod/butt/hips/waist left to weather up!

Here is the current state of the kit, all gathered together!

Long time, no update, but it's absolutely worth it because... we're done!

The entire kit of Spartan 'Hammer' B-121 has now been built, painted, weathered, and rigged for wearing!








I'll be doing a photoshoot in the full kit this Monday, with some fun props to go along with it, but for now, here is my first wear test of the armour, before I finalised the personalisation and boots:

My next post should be the final installment of this build, my thoughts on the armour, ideas for future projects, and a photo dump from the shoot!
It was amazing following your progress from start to finish! The suit looks amazing and I can't wait to see it one day! For sure considering doing a Mirage set next.
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