1st Build Making a Spartan III, 3D Printed and Custom Under Suit

To avoid some burn out, I'm putting a pause on armor crafting for the next few weeks. It's important to step back from projects from time to time, especially projects that are meant to bring you joy.

Also, the crafting mess was getting out of hand and needed some serious Spring cleaning.
Just because the crafting is on a pause, doesn't meaning the writing has (I still need a way to goof off at work).

Attached below is Chapter 6 of the first short story of Tales of the UNSC Valkyries: The First Time Falling. Eoin A047 and his Pararescue Troopers must remain unnoticed behind enemy lines if they want to have any chance of completing their mission - and surviving. However, that might be tough after a cosmic flook stuns even the most strait-laced, focused Spartan of Alpha Company.

Also, if anyone knows an artist at is up to doing some fan/cover art, drop a line.


  • Tales of the UNSC Valkyries Chapter 6.pdf
    150.3 KB · Views: 1,205
I found this thread and have been really inspired by some of your "underworkings" and so-on. I may have missed it, but how do you assemble your belt/cod piece?

Either way, take care of yourself! You got this.
I found this thread and have been really inspired by some of your "underworkings" and so-on. I may have missed it, but how do you assemble your belt/cod piece?

Either way, take care of yourself! You got this.
Right now i just have some webbing running through the prints Titlewave's design has paths open for a belt to run through. I'll use velcro to hold the armor belt to the body. It will be decorative and not meant to take any weight.. The cod piece itself will not be attached to the belt, but instead velcroed or magnetically attached so it can be pulled off. I plan to take full advantage of the fact that my under-suit will have a zipper fly.
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