Sadly I am in my Final semester of my art degree and working to complete my thesis. Needless to say this doesn't leave me much time to sleep let alone work on my armor.
Regardless i do plan to have this project finished at some point over the summer once i have some breathing room. Til then one of our fellow members was inquiring about the boot templates that i used and where to get them. I ended up making my own templates for this project but they were almost entirely influenced by Propcustomes work. So i dont have any time to make some shareable templates but im going to leave pics of the ones i made here in hopes that you guys can use them. Feel free to use them as you need to.
Here we go,
First is the Soul of the boot
The larger strip is the one i used to build the wall of the boot and the smaller is the detail strap for the top of the boot.
Here is is the back straps
Inlaid detail for the back straps
The front plate
shin plate detail
rear shin plate
Toe that caps it off
And there it is folks.
Hope this helps out and i really hope to have some progress for you in the near future!
thanks man for posting these. I'm working on my boots right now and this is saving me quite a bit of time and headache. They look stellar man. I look forward to seeing these things get painted and your suit get finished.
Like I mentioned in my PM to you, I plan on making Illustrator templates based on what I make to share with the community here. So this will help definitely.
Good luck with your thesis and the classes man. Take your time, make good grades and then get that armor done.