Marcus Lehto MK V Underway

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New Member
It's been like a whole 3 years since I touched the 405th in any meaningful capacity, so I just thought it would be nice to share an update on my cosplay experience.

Mostly, that's been N/A. I've been away from home (and from work) for three years so I didn't really have the money or the time to start a cosplay. But I finally have a couple rolls of foam, my own heat gun and rotary tool, and a 3oz can of contact cement to start on the Marcus Lehto MK V graciously unfolded by OCDA.

I also did a foam unfold of the Halo 3 MK V helmet (I just like the way it looks and it also seems like it'd be a mite simpler for me to start this project on since I'm still learning foamsmithing) and I'll include that here for funsies.
Original credit is to:
Flying_Squirl MK V Helmet
Unfolded By RVB4LIFE
Unfolded for foam by AdAstra029

I'll keep this thread updated along the way!



  • halo-3-mjolnir-mkv-helmet.pdo
    490.6 KB · Views: 570
Welcome back good sir! Can't wait to see what you create!
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