Marine Armor Landfall Ver Update 6/24 ( There Is No Pep File, Cous It's Scratch Built )

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duuuuuuuuuude that chest is amazing! make my marines for me? LOL

just blowing me out of the water here dude! i think im gonna go landfall aswell...simply because of the sholders and collar armour
Yah, the shoulder is not that hard to make....
It is the soft collar that's gonna be a challenge
We will see if I can pull it off


spartan114 said:
duuuuuuuuuude that chest is amazing! make my marines for me? LOL

just blowing me out of the water here dude! i think im gonna go landfall aswell...simply because of the sholders and collar armour
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Specops616 said:
Here is your answer, I am doing the Landfall short Film version not the game version.
They are the same armor yet not the same
Here is the picture for your referance

Thanks for the info tho


Specops616 said:
HI Vrogy :)
Elbow is actually separated
It's because of the picture taking
I kinda put them together to hold it up since the part is soft
So the whole arm is actually in 3 parts.
Here is the pic



Specops616 said:
Please let me know which arm strap you need to know....

The elbow pad starp is the only place that is not exactly yhe same as WETA's
Cous I did use a Hatch Tactical Elbow pad to modify, it's more comfy and holds better

Problem with the WETA big elastic band is that it will slip.... As seen in couple of screen shoots and screen capture I have seen and did.

That's why all the tactical gears for SWAT and Specops almost and always have 2 straps, unless they are super super wide like the Ranger version

The rest of the strap you can always get them in ur local fabric store.
They are just nylon straps
Hope this helps

Specops616 said:
Thanks a million :)
Happy that you like it
I will actually add more pouches to the armor
So it looks more tactical


Specops616 said:
Thanks for the clear up :)
I am building the chest now
We will see how it comes out
Will post it as soon as it is kinda finished


The armor looks great. Very, VERY, well for cardboard stuff. It doesnt even look cardboard!

Oh and just a tip, you probably would want to quote above your text, not below it. Otherwise we read it and we dont know who your talking to until were done reading. Sorry just a pet peeve of mine.
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Keegan said:

The armor looks great. Very, VERY, well for cardboard stuff. It doesnt even look cardboard!

Oh and just a tip, you probably would want to quote above your text, not below it. Otherwise we read it and we dont know who your talking to until were done reading. Sorry just a pet peeve of mine.

Thanks for the tip :)
Just the elbow is based on card board
the rest are made of gatorboard, bondo styrene fiber glass etc

But I am sure you can make it out of card board box too

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Love the marine gear. Looks fantastic.

I hate to bring it up, but please be mindful of posting multiple times in a row like that. Remember you can always edit your previous post to add additional information if no one has responded by the time you want to add to the thread.

Keep up the good work, it's very impressive. ;)
Sean Bradley said:
Love the marine gear. Looks fantastic.

I hate to bring it up, but please be mindful of posting multiple times in a row like that. Remember you can always edit your previous post to add additional information if no one has responded by the time you want to add to the thread.

Keep up the good work, it's very impressive. ;)

Thanks for the tip
I am new to this forum stuff, lol
U r actually one of the person that inspired me for making my MK VI
and now Marine....

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Nice to hear Specops.. your costume work is excellent. If you ever have any questions about forum stuff, or anything I can help with just drop me a PM.

Carry on soldier! :D
What did you use the Gatorboard for? I'm using some for my Energy Sword because I don't want it transparent, and it's really hard to cut and carve.
Pretty much every thing u see is made of gator ( and bunch of other stuff )
But the main structure is all gator
I know gator can be hard to cut....
U can't cut it down to the exact shape some times.... Straight parts are ok, but not the rounded parts.
For the round part such as the sword, you need to cut the line close to where u want it to be but not exact.
Then sand it down with 120 sand paper to where u want it to be
Make sure u use a sandinf block so it looks nice ....
And when it's all done, sand the side down alittle so it is rounded and not sharp

FYI, gator is really sharp at the edge, never run ur finger along the edge.... so becareful, it will cut u bad if ur not careful

Hope this helps


Rid3r said:
What did you use the Gatorboard for? I'm using some for my Energy Sword because I don't want it transparent, and it's really hard to cut and carve.
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oh no look out adam he catching up to u all he needs now it to finish this up and do the odst and *BOOM* adams
To you sir I bow down! And will give you the world to replicate a set for me!

Regardless the foam collar is what I've been tossing over with my buddy on how we'll fit it... the closet thing we've thought of rather than buying nylon and just putting it together with a little but of foam padding would be to butcher a life vest / life jacket and piece it together from there.

BTW Where did you get all your buckets and straps? And as for camo... are you just going with the old US BDU or what?

Specops616 said:
Yah, the shoulder is not that hard to make....
It is the soft collar that's gonna be a challenge
We will see if I can pull it off

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Saffron said:
To you sir I bow down! And will give you the world to replicate a set for me!

Regardless the foam collar is what I've been tossing over with my buddy on how we'll fit it... the closet thing we've thought of rather than buying nylon and just putting it together with a little but of foam padding would be to butcher a life vest / life jacket and piece it together from there.

BTW Where did you get all your buckets and straps? And as for camo... are you just going with the old US BDU or what?

Well....the foam for the collar is not hard to make at all, I have that part done long time ago.... It is the OD color cover on it that's the hard partt. Cutting off a life vest is ok, but the shape will be not the same at all.

As of buckle and strap, your local fabric store should have them, even surplus stores. U can fiand alot of stuff u can use on your costumes at your local surplus store.

Oh E-Bay is also another good source for ur straps and buckles.

As of BDU, the closest I can find is the Retro BDU. I am sure and old used woodland BDU should work too, but the color is not as brown. Hope these helps

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Specops616 said:
All kinda materials....
spot putty
fiber glass
Fiber glass jelly
machine nuts
UFO glue
and time.........
Now I have gone this far, I guess I will have to finish it some how.
It will be a fun one

Thats a lot of materials! Very nice work!!! Looks professional.
Please upload more of your work!
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Hi Everyone

Several of you are asking about the pep files

It is not I don't want to post the pep files, it is because there is none.
I didn't make these by pep. Every thing you see here is scratch build.

The most I can do is to give out the measurements......

I had to resize the whole chest and cut it down, because is was a bit too big after I mounted on the chest rig.

The next pix post will be interesting.


it looks very good for a scratch build, but then again they have better track records compared to pep builders (chris bryan is example too :p )

This should look very cool and interesting when this is finished, do you have plans on a helmet, or are you gonna just do a hat?
rvb4life said:
it looks very good for a scratch build, but then again they have better track records compared to pep builders (chris bryan is example too :p )

This should look very cool and interesting when this is finished, do you have plans on a helmet, or are you gonna just do a hat?

Well, I am trying to keep up the track record, see how long it will take until I finish this whoel thing. Here is the new update for the complete chest


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