Mark IV (Gen 1) Build

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Ahh thanks for that. I wanna do my Hellcat helmet but it's also a hi-res file so there's waaayyy too many tiny pieces to realistically cut out and craft. So the main things for converting to foam are just joining more faces and removing flaps? Sounds surprisingly easy haha (thought I'm sure it won't be lol) It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to recreate the helmet by kind of tracing over it in sketchup or whatever in order to simplify it for unfolding.

Flaps are used for paper files to join pieces, so they're not quite as necessary for foam :) One of the perks with using foam helmets is that they're durable and don't require things like resin or fiberglass, so they won't be heavy or too fragile if you drop it and no working with toxic fumes. You can also make detail pieces using craft foam, saves a lot of fuss compared to the paper method but it's just my personal preference. :)

Unfolding would probably be the trickiest part for the Hellcat, for me at least, as I once tried unfolding an Enforcer helmet and failed miserably at the tiny detail pieces. If you could find someone who is really good at unfolding then you could convert their file to foam. Otherwise give it a try! Separate pieces into organised sections like the top, sides, front and back. I can't give the most sound advice on it as I'm still a novice but I wish you the best of luck with it! :)
Flaps are used for paper files to join pieces, so they're not quite as necessary for foam :) One of the perks with using foam helmets is that they're durable and don't require things like resin or fiberglass, so they won't be heavy or too fragile if you drop it and no working with toxic fumes. You can also make detail pieces using craft foam, saves a lot of fuss compared to the paper method but it's just my personal preference. :)

Unfolding would probably be the trickiest part for the Hellcat, for me at least, as I once tried unfolding an Enforcer helmet and failed miserably at the tiny detail pieces. If you could find someone who is really good at unfolding then you could convert their file to foam. Otherwise give it a try! Separate pieces into organised sections like the top, sides, front and back. I can't give the most sound advice on it as I'm still a novice but I wish you the best of luck with it! :)

Very helpful, thank you!
I think what I'll have to do is unfold it kind of by eye to get the top, sides and so on like you said. Every time I look at it, I think oh that's simple, but then I start seeing polygons that make no sense and overlap into other parts for no reason lool :mad:

I haven't tried foam yet but it looks like fun from what you've shown!
Got some more photos guys! Our friend Scott of the Aus regiment took these awesome snaps and I gave some of them a bit of (terrible) editing to make them pop a little.

alice-2.jpg alice-3.jpg alice-1.jpg
20170617_145213.jpg 20170617_120536.jpg
One last update before I put this thread to rest!

I got two cool photos done by Magic Missile Studios while at Supanova. They turned out fantastic, except my hair poked out a little in one of them because I was rushing to zip up my cowl. I was too excited.



Alice will be going into cryosleep for a while, but not for too long like last time. I'll be adding a few adjustments and repairs over time, even considering getting Jerome's disguise helmet for enhanced comfort and fitting! :p

Thanks for following my thread, I really appreciate all the love and advice. Until next time!
Dear thatdamnjodie, did you buy the "disguise Jerome helmet"? If yes - could you share pictures with us? How is the helmet?
By the way, really nice work! Love your costume! :)
Hey Blackout, welcome to the 405th. Be advised that this thread is over a year old. We frown upon Necroposting. It tends to push current and active threads down the list.
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