Matching 3D Printed Mirage Armor with Dragern!


Me and Dragern will both be making a mirage armor set. We’ll be using Titlewave’s mirage armor set on hit Etsy and it will all be 3D printed.

Our plan is it have these done (or close to done) by Christmas. Both suits will only be matching color and mirage armor, utilities and armor pieces are completely up to us.

My plan is to have 1 ODST Shoulder, Halo reach Security helmet, and a knife or two. (Further attachments will be decided in the future.

I already have both arm armors printed and chest plate is beginning printing tomorrow. Due to Titlewave’s amazing modeling skills, he has a great rigging system integrated into the armor already.


(Older photo not showing all armor pieces)
I can't wait. I've been considering doing a Mirage myself, but I already have Mark V planned. I'll be watching this thread :)
I’ve been thinking of doing a mirage core because it looks light and comfortable! Definitely following this build.
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