Me And My Friends Odst Armor Progress

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Alex spartan177 said:
Keep up the Good work, Dude

I think you should fill the weapons and backpacks with expanding foam so they don't warp when resining. If you want any examples just check my ODST thread.

OMG! That exactly what I did with my old assault rifle! But my dad put in too much and it exploded.
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Ha well that blows (hahah get it?..) but yeah you only need a little bit cuz that stuff EXPANDS like crazy.
The King Cobra said:
@ Adam Anderson: The pistol is found in the Halo Costuming database

@5N0WM4N: I promise I won't use as much :p

I use the low-expanding foam so it doesn't explode :lol

Just put a little each day in the gun or piece so you know where the foam is going, it will take time but I will assure you, you will have an Awesome gun :D
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Excellent work guys. The knife, shoulders, and backpack turned out pretty well. :rolleyes
5N0WM4N said:
any ideas on color schemes yet?

I still don't know our color scheme yet. I still need to talk to my Friends and see if were making our own ODSTs or using Buck, Romeo, Dutch, and Mickey. Im not really thinking of our paint jobs yet :p. But I will keep you updated on our armor and colors when decided.
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Jason225 said:
Excellent work guys. The knife, shoulders, and backpack turned out pretty well. :rolleyes

Yeah thanks alot Jason most of this stuff is thanks to you :p
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The King Cobra said:
Yeah lol I fiberglassed the outside then put too much in :p

I just don't want it to explode again like before

If you want my advice, althought I've not tried it yet :

Get your weapon flat on a piece of wood. Take some random piece of either wood or pvc pipe. Put them around your laser(or any other weapon) so that when you cut the weapon in 2 on the lenght side, it keeps it shape.

Do the same but mirror it on another piece of wood. Then, take your gun and cut in in half so that you have to identical halves. The pipes you put on the wood panel acts like the mold and keep the shape of the weapon. Then, use expanding foam, or fiberglass. It is easier to apply, and easy to remove the excess. And for the expanding foam, it can't explode as it will just expand upwards, where it's open.
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The King Cobra said:
That sounds really good and I may do that with another weapon I have. Do you fiberglass it before you cut it or after?

No! Fiberglass will remove pretty much all the details Pepakura gave you. Resin the paper with a couple of really thin layers in order to A) Seal the paper, and B ) to stiffen it as well. Then cut it.

I hope it makes sense, I'm getting tired :p
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It looks like you guys have been crazy busy. That's more pepakura laid out than I've even completed! :0

I agree with the expanding foam that's been suggested, it's pretty much the agreed-upon best way to approach weapons and other closed objects.

Get pics of the belt! That thing is a crazeh piece of pep.

On a smaaall side note, careful on the double posts~

Remember you can use the 'Multiquote' option next to the 'Reply' on posts. :]

Good luck on the build, guys~
Thanks Drakku and I just finished the belt heres a pic of the belt and another pic of all my front pieces so far...


Wow, good job, man. You're really on a role. And I love the Pepakura combat knife; that's true dedication.
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