Mech/Exoskeleton Build (Full-Size )

Pic of me in the suit.


My brother was a little more adventurous as he doesn't know how it was built so he doesn't worry about every creak and click.

Finally got around to getting footage from my phone:

After some fiddling after the con I connected an H-bridge driver to my raspberry pi so head rotation can be automatic or just controlled by other means like a joystick.

Been talking with a friend who is into the online development/marketing stuff (successful enough to telecommute/freelance) and got a few ideas how to take this further.
Rebuilding the base so it fits in my van is a great opportunity for a build series, footage for which I shot today and will be up next week (20 separate video files :oops: ).

PVC madness:


Easy to lift, breaks down flat, quite durable with the cross braces installed. Just gotta apply the PVC cement and I can see what happens when I throw it up into the air :lol:
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Just a quick update: thrift store had a sale on battery backups with LCD displays.


Also head now turns with joystick control. (Cannibalized an old RC car remote) Working on getting things off the breadboard to more rugged mounts with proper sockets n stuff. Probably like the head LEDs all connect via 4-pin molex
Figure I'll attach the monitor to the bottom of the neck and the whole head/monitor unit is installed just before... test drives? Cockpit time? Hmmm...
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Another quick update: spending time with car diagnosis/repair (possibly bad alternator but cleaning battery wires first) and working on editing/recording a sort of build series for youtube.
A local from the con contacted me and interested in building a foe for MARDUK. Exchanged some info and will be comparing designs n stuff.
Rebuilding alternator: had worn out brushes so ordered new ones in the form of a voltage regulator-very difficult to extract just brushes so I'm just getting a new regulator.

While I'm waiting for them to arrive mecha time:

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PVC glued the hip bits together and reinforcing with crossbars.

A bit more reinforcing then to install the leg pylons and the snowblower mounts
Loaded up the torso bit:


I painted the wood red because its the first good paint I could find in the garage stash. Technically I guess it sets it apart and shows imperfections well.

Can climb up and in (added a few sneaky footholds) but I'd rather have a few more cross braces: entire thing twists.

Stands 111" tall at the shoulder, 128" theoretically at the top of the head so 10' 8". The rebuild made it taller lol
That's amazing work you have so far. I been interested in exoskeletons/mechs for a while and follow up on the news. The chest area kinda reminds me of a Warhammer from Battletech.
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Ok Battletech doesn't own everything mech related :D

I actually was inspired by madox 00, without its boobly bits. Working on some how-to-ish vids so stay tuned.

In the meantime added some more bracing. Now only really wobbles cuz the wheels aren't properly chucked.



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