Mech/Exoskeleton Build (Full-Size )

This is out right amazing. Keep up the fantastic work and I can't wait to see it. That's just insanely awesome.
Thanks, if the walker doesn't turn out to be sturdy enough for the big mech I might make it into legs for the powerarms... like Phineas Phage:
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Working on metal version of the Pumpkimech: his name is Billy-bug, completely computer controlled!

I've been doing some work on Billy Bug, but winter has finally hit so I've been hiding indoors from the cold. Before the freezing temperatures hit I managed to get Billybug kinda walking:

However a motors are strong enough to bend the frame without proper support (that's why he is tilting in the above vid). However, putting 2 motors on the leg means each motor is exposed to different weights and will move at different speeds, so I have to synchronize them via computer.
Behold, the 2 arduino control system (to later interface with the raspberry pi)


And all the transverse motors I will ever need with my cat Ralph's seal of approval (3d printed bits are encodes so I know how far they extend)


Naturally, I need to figure out some of the code to control these, but its too cold to work outside, so what do?
Workshop Waifu 2.0!

By practicing with voice commands and servo controls, I could make my large mech computer-controlled, voice activated, or even control with a game controller and press "X" to punch! Plus everyone goes *hubba hubba ding ding* over animu gals so I figure workshop waifu 2.0 will be a good promo tool.
Oh hey that necro-post warning is new (or at least something I haven't encountered). I've been too busy to post: making the mek relatively functional, controlled with a wireless usb controller. Exhibited it for 10 days at a local fair (where I am effectively being invited back every year) . Currently working on making it less wobbly and added an evangelion-style countdown for when it is unplugged (gotta make a video on it once I get the battery packs back in).

Working on adding bipedal walking legs to the robowaifu. This is good practice for coding workflow and figuring out a mechanism for powerarmor with powered, walking legs and gyroscopic balance (revist my yggrasil armor perhaps!).

You can see I made the legs too stubby and had to extend them XD

IMG_20231119_092836.jpg spuddy.png

I ended up doing a spine transplant, replacing the fun noodle spine and actuators with chonky servo and pvc. Process felt like the beginning of "Battle Angel Alita" lol. Probably will replace the wiggly elf-ears with chobit-style ones so I can put a usb hub and hdmi cable in there.


Also working on a fully-enclosed trailer to store/transport the mek. Waiting on a shipment of 17" caterpillar tracks so the mek can drive off-road, and re-building the leg actuator control box so its easier to swap out broken parts.

mek in the trailer.jpg
Robowaifu looks a bit less spoopy with booblies papercraft paneling. Whipped up some quick little code that should make it balance with a gyroscope. Just waiting for reinforced ankles to print.


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Phase 1 of the chobits treatment. (also a more modest chest panel) I'll be re-doing the entire face to make the eyes less odd (there is a big gap between the faceplate and the eyelids), but at least the cloth covering seems to be working out ok and all the python libraries are good to go.

Tested out the jaw. Looks a bit rough but the idea is generally there... looks possessed cuz the eyelids are dark grey and in shadow lol

Getting some coding practice with the robowaifu, implemented a locally hosted LLM

(I need a better graphics card lol)
Finished all the leg motor control boards. They are essentially the brains for 1350lb servos (they amplify servo signals to drive the larger motors), which means making the mech walk should be about as easy as making a smol robot walk.


Installed on the leg:

mech control panel installed.jpg mechleg.jpgmech panel from back.jpg

Mech has the theoretical lifting capacity of more than 3 tons! I just need to find a way to downsize these circuits if I want to use it in powerarmor.
Successful test of the mech leg at half power! One step closer to a real fully powered yggdrasil!

Leg controllers are all wired up, and even got a rudimentary walk cycle using a servo testing board! Just need to connect it up to the computer and code the walk cycle!


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