Just a quick note for anyone tackling these files... The more I look at this thread and see those pics of the pepped in game model, the more I want to redo my helmet. Then I remember, “Oh yeah, that’s the same model I used for my reference!” Then I also remember why I made parts of it the way I did. Samus is definitely not proportioned like a real human. Two big examples are the arms and the head. Samus’s shoulders, when they hang at her side, stick out from the torso quite a bit, kinda like they’ve been pulled away and put back on sticks. As for the head, here’s a demonstration. Even though I never really intended to wear it myself (though it's starting to look like I may have to), this is the model superimposed on my head…
This was the minimum amount of scaling required to get it to sit on my head and still be able to see out the visor. It's big, but still doesn't fully cover my face. On the in-game model, the head is wider than it is tall, so it should be squashed so it will fit under your chin and not sit wide on the shoulders. Speaking of the chin, the beak in the in-game model goes straight back from the front (mine is flared out a bit) so it won’t accommodate a human chin from that angle, either. Also, on the model, the faceplate comes in at a rather sharp angle (I made mine slightly curved) so additional work is needed to more readily accommodate a store-bought visor (on the model, the visor comes in at an angle, as well).
And this is just the helmet. The other parts will require a good deal of scaling and squashing, as well, so they will actually fit a human body. (And no, I’m not just saying this because I feel like I have to justify my design choices instead of starting over from scratch
) It’s not impossible, and can definitely be done, and I'm DEFINITELY not trying to discourage anyone! Actually, I bring this up so that you don't give up when you get through your first helmet, and realize that it doesn't fit right, or you look like a bobble-head. Keep in mind that it’s not as easy as simply scaling to fit, there are proportions issues to take into account, as well. So, anyone who’s building this, good luck!!!