Midwest Regiment Cons 2024

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Mid-West: Covering Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Ohio and, Wisconsin.

I still have a few more months of cons and a few sights to go through to complete the Midwest list, but rest assured, it will be done in the next day or so. Sorry to say that we lost several con this time round, but I've found more new ones than what was lost.And I'm also sorry that its taking so long to complete this list..... there are a lot of new cons in the Mid-west and I still have sites that I haven't even gotten to yet!!!

More Updates!!! Again i'm sorry its taking so long to get to the end of this list.....and its still only the Midwest Reg and I'm only up to July....I haven't even started on any other Reg!!! Its crazy how many new cons i'm finding. Please be patient.....and OH FEARLESS LEADER FANGS, DO NOT UNLEASH THE "WET NOODLE OF DEATH"!!!!!


Name: Anime-ZAP
Date: Jan 3-5 2025
Location: East Peoria, IL
Events: Mainstage Cosplay Contest, Date Auction, Fantasy Cosplay Ball, Anime Rave Dances, Fashion Show, Formal Dance Lessons, Kingdom Hearts Panel, Dante's Guide To Picking Up Women, Origami Related Panels, Con Survival Guide Panels, Video Game Panels, Lolita Fashion Panels, Learn the Hare Hare Yukai, Fanfiction 101, Ponies!, Mock-Combat Battlefield, Square Enix Pairings, Yuri/Yaoi Panels, AMV Tutorials, Old School Anime, Ball Jointed Dolls Discussion, Japanese Ghost Stories, Crossplay Both Ways, Various Anime Screenings, Various Gaming Tournaments, Various Photoshoots, Various Fan Meetups

Name: Ohayocon
Date: Jan 19-21
Location: Colunbus, OH
Events: Signature Events, Panels, Cosplay Expo, Photo OPs, Tabletop and Video Gaming Tournaments, AMV Contest, Special Guests, Exhibits, Vendors, Artists, Swap Meet, Fashin Show.

Name: Uchi-Con
Date: Jan 27
Location: Chicago, IL
Events: Cosplay Contests, Photo Booth, Cafe, Gaming, Karaoke, Anime Screening, Anime Bingo, Meetups, Silent Auctions, Film Screening, Artist Alley, Panels.


Name: Quad Con
Date: Feb 3-4
Location: Champaign, IL
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: Winter Fantasy
Date: Feb 7-11
Location: Fort Wayne, IN
Events: The wind has a chill as it blow leaves down the street. Flakes can be seen floating on the breeze as ice forms on your windshield in the frosty morning.
Winter Fantasy is almost upon us. The cold signals us to come home to the show we love the most. Games, fun, more games, old friends, new friends, and games!!!! It is all waiting for you this February 7th to the 11th in the town that hates money - Fort Wayne, IN.

Name: MissouriCon
Date: Feb 10
Location: St. Louis, MO
Events: MissouriCon is a collectors' mecca convention located in the beautiful City of St. Louis, Missouri. Striving to be Missouri's best and truest comic convention featuring fandoms of multiple genres. As a long-time collector of comics and pop culture items the promoter brings Missouri an event that will satisfy any fandom!

Name: Zipcon
Date: Feb 10
Location: Akron, OH
Events: Zipcon is a one-day anime convention held by the University of Akron's Anime Club. Panels/Events, Artist/Vendor's Hall, Social Media, Artist and Vendors, Cosplay and Masquerade.

Name: NWI Comic Con
Date: Feb 10
Location: Crown Point, IN
Events: The NWICC is a Family-Friendly, Affordable, Fun Comic Book Convention that offers affordable admission, Free Parking, VIP Guests, Artist Alley, Comic, Collectible and Pop-Culture Dealers, Two On-Stage Cosplay Contests, Cheap Food Concessions and more!

Name: QuadCon
Date: Feb 17-18
Location: Peoria, IL
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: Great Lakes Comic Con
Date: Feb 23-24
Location: Warren, MI
Events: Exhibitors, Vendors, Guests, Collectibles, Raffles, Cosplay and Cosplay Contests.


Name: Anime Crossroads
Date: March 1-3
Location: Plainfield, IN
Events: Cosplay, Artists & Artists Alley, Vendors, Pink Peaches Maid Cafe, Dances, Live Events, Panels, Guests, Photo OPs, Masquerade, Late Night 21+ Events, Table Top/Video Gaming.

Name: Dupage Comic Con
Date: March 2
Location: Wheaton, IL
Events: Greetings Earthlings! Mighty Con is coming back to its home turf in Dupage, IL! Saturday March 2nd, 2024, Mighty Con is setting up shop at the Dupage County Fairgrounds in Wheaton, Illinois. The Dupage Mighty Con's huge facilities will feature over 150 artist tables, vendor booths, and special guests. But we're also bringing cash prize cosplay contests, video and table top gaming tournaments, and a whole weekend of fun!

Name: Hall of Heroes Comic Con
Date: March 2-3
Location: Elkhart, IN
Events:Join us March 2 - 3, 2024 at the Hall of Heroes Comic Con, Northern Indiana's fastest growing comic, gaming, sci-fi, horror and pop culture event.
Two days of pop culture fun, featuring your favorite celebrities, artists and cosplay guests.

Name: PeoriaCon
Date: March 2-3
Location: Peoria, IL
Events: PeoriaCon has proven that the Midwest has been craving a quality event like this for years. Since we have begun hosting this amazing event, the public has supported us from Chicago to St. Louis and everywhere in between! We are ready for another great year with the best comic book, cosplay, and gaming convention fun in the area. We are lining up all of your favorites dealers for this year's show. - Artists - Special Guests - Comic book dealers - Cosplay Contest with best of show cash prizes! - Games - Collectibles - Your favorite loot dealers!

Name: UI-Con
Date: March 2-3
Location: Urbana, IL
Events: If you like anime and/or comics, then come to the Illini Union for University of Illinois's UI-Con because you're an icon! Come experience the variety of things that we have to offer such as a gaming room, Cosplay & Cosplay Contests, panels about different topics, performances in the Courtyard Cafe, etc. UI-Con is a convention for you and I!

Name: QuadCom
Date: March 2-4
Location: Omaha, NE
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: Anime Milwaukee
Date: March 8-10
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Events: Signature Events, Panels, Cosplay Expo, Photo OPs, Tabletop and Video Gaming Tournaments, AMV Contest, Special Guests, Exhibits, Vendors, Artists, Swap Meet, Fashion Show.

Name: Planet Comicon
Date: March 8-10
Location: Kansas City, MO
Events: Guests, Photo OPs, Autographs, Cosplay and Cosplay Contests, Masquerade Parade, Tabletop and Video Games, Exhibitors, Artists Alley, After Hours Events.

Name: FantastiCon Toledo
Date: March 9-10
Location: Toledo, OH
Events: Fantasticon is a mid-size show created for true comic book and pop culture collectors and fans. The fans that come to our shows are true collectors that are looking for those rare items for their personal collections. Most leave very satisfied as we pride ourselves on having great dealers and artists at our shows. If you collect it, you will find it at a Fantasticon Show. Cosplay, Video & Photo OPs, and Multiple Contests.

Name: QuadCon
Date: March 9-10
Location: Davenport, IA
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: EvilleCon
Date: March 15-17
Location: Evansvill, IN
Events: Panesl, Karaoke, Dungeon Delving 101, Canadian Gameshow, Q&A, Cosplay, Anime Dating Game-show, Maid Cafe, Cosplay Chess, Cosplay & Cosplay Contest, Pokeparty and a whole lot more.

Name: Columbus Toy & Game Show
Date: March 17
Location: Columbus, OH
Events: The Columbus Toy and Game show is one of the largest and longest running shows in the Mideast. Almost 60,000 square feet of Toys, Collectibles, Games and so much more

Name: Indiana Comic-Con
Date: March 22-24
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Events: Indiana Comic Con is Indianapolis’ largest, true comic con. Featured are exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including comic books, magazines, toys, games, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, manga, cosplay, artwork, sketches and apparel. In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals, and comicdom-related celebrities are in attendance for attendees to meet and greet.
MetroDetroitCon will have exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including: comic books, magazines,toys, video games, local artists, movies, wrestling, sci-fi, sports cards, retro toys, anime / manga, cosplay, artwork sketches, apparel & jewelry, collectibles
In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals and fandom-related celebrities are guaranteed in attendance for fans to meet and greet. This will be one show not to miss!

Name: MetroDetriotCon
Date: March 23
Location: Chesterfield, MI
Events: MetroDetroitCon is a collectors' mecca convention located in the beautiful Township of Chesterfield, Michigan. Striving to be Michigan's best and truest pop culture convention featuring fandoms of multiple genres. As a long-time collector of comics and pop culture items the promoter brings Michigan an event that will satisfy any fandom!

Name: QuadCon
Date: March 23-24
Location: Des Moines, IA
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: Anime Detour
Date: March 29-31
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Events: Art Show, Artists Alley, Cosplay and Cosplay Contest, Charity Auction, Dealers, Gaming, Room Parties, Video Game Rooms, Screening.

Name: MiniCon 57
Date: March 29-31
Location: Minnesota, MN
Events: Minicon is a volunteer run, general science fiction convention held every year on Easter weekend in or near Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minicon is run by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, or MNStF. Attendees of Minicon can expect to find a full slate of programming (panel discussions, readings, signings, etc.), costuming, films, gaming (open and organized), a teen lounge, an art show, dealers, a kids' room, a science room, filk and folk music, a consuite and bar, room parties, and various special events.

(I think the next statement from them is hysterical....The fact they need to point out that the Passover Holiday will not overlap the Con event time schedule is ludicrous. I, being Jewish, appreciate this notation.... but bares no import SINCE IT DOESN'T COINCIDE!!! Its like saying "You should bring a towel with you since your going swimming at the beach but only because its a Tuesday.......?????)

Minicon is always over Easter weekend. This year, rarely, Minicon does not overlap with Passover. Because of some disagreement in lunar calendars, Passover is a month later than Easter in 2024.

Never realized that there was such a disagreement between the lunar and the Christian calendars......

Name: Collectorabilia
Date: March 30
Location: Ashwaubenon, WI
Events: Collectorabilia is a pop-culture expo held at the Resch Expo in Green Bay, WI. The event features booths and tables of artists, writers, guests, crafters, dealers, and collectors displaying and selling their pop-culture wares.
You may find items such as Anime, Comics, Toys, Gaming, SCI-FI, Legos, Stars, Horror Films, TV/MOVIE MEMORABILIA, Steampunk, Autographs, Super Heroes, Action Figures, Cosplay, Fantasy, Horror, Collectibles, Sports Memorabilia, SWAP Meet, Publishers & Artist Convention – but this Con is open to anything fan-related!
Also at the event, attendees can get autographs from celebrity guests, dress in cosplay and mingle with thousands of other pop-culture fans. This is a family friendly event that encourages creativity, promotes cultural awareness, and directly benefits small businesses.

Name: QuadCon
Date: March 30
Location: Sioux Falls, SD
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.


Name: RodCon
Date: April 5-7
Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Events: RodCon is a mini-comic book convention with a welcoming environment where people with common interests come together to share their love of all things pop culture. This will be the ninth year for our event, and we hope this year will continue to be bigger and even better. The event is always free and open to the public and highlights guest speakers, artists, vendors, trivia competitions, youth and adult costume contests, prizes, giveaways, video gaming, live-action role-playing, youth crafts, and much more! The RodCon strives to present diverse perspectives and offer opportunities for discussion and idea-sharing.

Name: QuadCon
Date: April 7
Location: Racine, WI
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: Ratha Con
Date: April 13
Location: Athens, OH
Events: Vendors, Artists, Cosplay and Cosplay Contest, Workshops, Art Exhibit, Quidditch Tournament.

Name: FanExpo
Date: April 12-14
Location: Cleveland, OH
Events: Everyone is a fan of something, and FAN EXPO Cleveland is a place to celebrate all things pop culture. Get an autograph or a photo with your favorite guest then get the inside scoop about your favorite movies and TV shows at our celebrity panels! Watch professional comic artists battle it out in our popular Sketch Duels, learn from our "How To" workshops, and take photos with your favorite costumed characters! It's also a great place to buy a unique gift (or treat yourself!) with a huge show floor for shopping madness.

Name: QuadCon
Date: April 13-14
Location: St. Cloud, MN
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: OZ Con
Date: April 26-28
Location: Ozark, Missouri
Events: Anime, Cosplay and Cosplay Events, MTG, Warhammer, Warmachine, RPG.

Name: Imagicon
Date: April 26-28
Location: Minot, ND
Events: Guests, Panels, Games, Cosplay, Room Block, Vendors.

Name: Chicago Comic EXPO aka C2E2
Date: April 26-28
Location: Chicago, IL
Events: Comic Guests, Entertainment Guests, Literary Guests, Charity Art Show, Panels, Screening, C2E2 Live, Cosplay, Family Events, Artists Alley, Exhibitions, Panels.


Name: DemiCon
Date: May 3-5
Location: Urbandale, IA
Events: Des Moines' 35th Annual Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Gaming Convention. Contests, Hall Costume, Masquerade & Cosplay, Self-run Programming, Trans-Iowa Canal Company

Name: Final Boss Con
Date: May 4
Location: Rio Grande, OH
Events: Final Boss Con is a convention for gaming enthusiasts, casual gamers, tabletop RPG fans, Cosplay lovers, Anime Fans, Horror Junkies, and more! Our goal is to bring the gaming community of Southeast Ohio and beyond together with vendors, creators, artists, etc. Featuring the University of Rio Grande E-Sports Team

Name: Evansville Anime-Fest
Date: May 11
Location: Evensville, IN
Events: Evansville Anime-Fest is an anime collectors' mecca convention located in the beautiful City of Evansville, Indiana. Striving to be the best and truest anime convention featuring fandoms of multiple genres. As a long-time collector of anime, manga and pop culture items the promoter brings Indiana an event that will satisfy all anime fandom! anime candy, comic books & magazines, toys, video games, manga, cosplay, artwork sketches, apparel & jewelry.
In addition, a roster of anime industry professionals and fandom-related celebrities are guaranteed in attendance for fans to meet and greet. This will be one show not to miss!

Name: Motor City Comic Con
Date: May 17-19
Location: Novi, MI
Events: Exhibitors, Cosplay and Cosplay Contests, Gaming, Panels, Q & A, Photo OPs, Sat Night Bash (Appetizers, DJ, Cash Bar).

Name: Anime Central
Date: May 17-19
Location: Rosemont, IL
Events: Anime Central (ACen) is the largest anime, manga and Japanese popular culture convention in Chicago and the Midwest. ACen happens once a year in the Spring (around April or May) less than 30 minutes from downtown Chicago, in Rosemont, IL.
As part of its mission, ACen brings fans together with guests from the Japanese and US sectors of the anime and manga industry, as well as gaming, cinema, and Asian culture personalities. The event includes a huge exhibit hall, a massive video game room, concerts, dances, educational panels and workshops, premiere screenings, autograph sessions, 24-hour video rooms, tabletop gaming and much, much more!

Name: CoreCon X
Date: May 23-26
Location: Fargo, ND
Events: Charity Events, Art Show, Cosplay and Cosplay Contests, Games, Guests.

Name: Cherry Capital Comic Con
Date: May 24-26
Location: Traverse City, MI
Events: Exhibitors, Artists Alley, Game Room, Panels, Cosplay and Cosplay Contests, Garry Reed Award, Art Auction, Karaoke Party, C4 After Hours Events: VIP 21+

Name: Naka-Kon
Date: May 24-26
Location: Overland Park, KS
Events: Naka-Kon is an annual three-day convention, celebrating anime, manga, cosplay, music, fashion, gaming, and more! Every year, we bring your favorite voice actors, musicians, cosplayers, artists, designers, and industry experts to the Overland Park Convention Center. Catch guest panels and performances, be part of our cosplay competitions, enter contests, and learn about working in the anime, manga, and music industries.

Name: ColossalCon
Date: May 29-June 2
Location: Sandusky, OH
Events: Colossalcon is a 5-day event that features a variety of entertainment in a diverse, multi-function, crowd-friendly environment. One ticket price gives you access to all Concerts, Live Acts, and Performers to industry and media guests, DJs, artists, and vendors. DANCES, J-FASHION TEA PARTY, OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES, BEYBLADE BEATDOWN. COLOSSALCON KARAOKE, COSPLAY CHESS, COSPLAY, HOST A PANEL, HOST A COSPLAY MEETUP / PHOTOSHOOT, COLOSSALCON RIBBON GAME, CONTESTS, MARKETS,


Name: QuadCon
Date: June 9
Location: Sprinfield, Il
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: QuadCon
Date: June 15-16
Location: Davenport, IA
Events: Quad Con is all about coming together and enjoying different aspects of pop culture. Video games, sci fi, role playing, comics, toys, board games, vintage magazines, posters, & more. Join us and sell some of your items, or come in and take home some treasure from your childhood you thought was lost forever.

Name: Origins Game Fair
Date: June 19-23
Location: Columbus, OH
Events: Origins Game Fair is an annual tabletop gaming convention hosted by GAMA, held annually in Columbus, OH. With 5,000+ gaming events scheduled throughout the week for attendees, a dynamic vendor hall, special events throughout the weekend and so much more, there's sure to be something for everyone! SPECIAL GUESTS, ARTIST ALLEY, AUTHOR ALCOVE, BLOOD DRIVE, COMEDY SHOWS, COSPLAY CONTEST, GAME LIBRARY, FAMILY/QUIET ROOMS, FILM FESTIVAL, MEGAGAME COALITION, PAINT N TAKE, PIN BAZAAR, TOURNAMENT OF PIECES, TRADE DAY, TRUE DUNGEON, UNPUB ROOM, WAR COLLEGE & NSDM GAME.

Name: Anime Ohio
Date: June 21-23
Location: Sharonville, OH
Events:Join your fellow otaku and the creators of Cincinnati Comic Expo to celebrate anime, cosplay, and modern Japanese culture.
During this one-day event at the Sharonville Convention Center in Cincinnati, OH, you will be able to meet the voice actors from your favorite anime and games, listen to panels, learn in workshops, and join the cosplay costume contest.
Guests, Exhibitors, Vendors, Photo OPs, Autographs, Workshops, Panels, Video Games, Maid Cafe,

Name: Black Hills Con
Date: June 21-23
Location: Black Hills, SD
Events: Black Hills Con is a fan run convention for pop culture, anime, and sci-fi fans of all ages. We are a non-profit group focused on bringing our community together. This year's fun includes Games, Vendors, Panels, Anime Industry Guests, Live Concert, Costume Contest, Karaoke, After Hours Events, and much more! Located in the beautiful black hills of South Dakota, Black Hills Con saw around 1,000 attendees and over 100 vendors and artists in 2023!

Name: Planet Funk Con
Date: June 28-30
Location: Davenport, IA
Events: For the last several of years, we have held the biggest Pop Culture convention the Quad Cities has ever seen. Join our thousands of attendees for comics, toys, celebrities, cosplay, panels, tabletop games, video games, tournaments, and a ton of FUN! Join us for 3 DAYS of fresh and funky fun!


Name: Anime Midwest
Date: July 5-7
Location: Rosemont, IL
Events: This three-day event focuses on video gaming, Japanese anime, Japanese manga, and bringing authentic Japanese culture and anime to life.

Name: Gem City Comic Con
Date: July 22-23
Location: Dayton, OH
Events: Guests, Dealers, Exhibits, Artists Alley, Comic Books, Cosplay


Name: Gen Con
Date: Aug 1-4
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Events: Gen Con is the original, longest-running gaming convention in the world!
Founded in 1968, Gen Con hosts the largest consumer hobby, fantasy, science fiction, and adventure game convention in North America. With 500 exhibiting game companies, award-winning authors and artists, vibrant costumes, thousands of events, family entertainment, food trucks, a beer garden, and the debut of hundreds of exciting new games, Gen Con truly is The Best Four Days in Gaming™.
attention of long-time Superman fan, Jon Robinson. Interested in their efforts, Jon provided support and loaned his original handmade costumes inspired by the Man of Steel movie toward the cause.
The effort succeeded and on June 21, 2013, through mayoral decree, Hutchinson was renamed Smallville, Kansas for a single day. On this same day, Superman was inducted into the Kansas Hall of Fame as the most recognized “Kansan” within pop culture. Jon was invited to attend the induction ceremony within the State’s Capital with his family, all wearing their Man of Steel

Name: Matsuricon
Date: Aug 30-Sept 1
Location: Columbus, OH
Events: Guests, Charity Events, Tabletop and Video Gaming, Cosplay, Dances, Formal Ball, Photo OPs, Video Events.


Name: Siouxpercon
Date: Sept 27-29
Location: Sioux Falls,SD
Events: Cosplay, Panels, Q&A, Board/RPG/Video Gaming, Wrestling, Guests, Exhibits, Vendors, After Hours Events (18+)


Name: Archon 47
Date: Oct 4-6
Location: Collinsville, IL
Events: Panels, Charity Events, Children's Activities, Minatures, Filking, Games, Masquerade, Film Festival, Art Show and Auctions, Writer's Workshop, Reading Groups, Night Dancing, Hallway Costume Contest, Room Parties, Guest of Honor, Guest Stars, Artist Alley.

Name: Ramencon
Date: Oct 25-27
Location: South Bend, IN
Events: Vendors, Exhibitors, Cosplay, Panels, Dealers, Artists, Gaming; Table Top and Arcade, Screening, Cosplay
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Cleveland gaming classic September 20-22

Galaxy con Columbus December 6-8
Thank you N8TEBB. I hadn't gotten up to the later months in my research for cons on a few websites but I'm sure these would have turned up somewhere.....or not so, thank you again........ You'd think that as a Canadian, you'd be looking more into Canadian cons not Midwest ones....???
Quad con will be in Eau Claire February 24 and 25th. I intend to go and while its short notice, it would be cool to get others out there as well.
You'd think that as a Canadian, you'd be looking more into Canadian cons not Midwest ones....???
Note my location and the percentage of directions I can go that are Canadian. Only about 25% of my compass goes to Canada XD
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