Mirage Build (First-ish Suit)


Jr Member
After months of wrestling with my printer, practicing on failed prints, researching, and scouring through amazon I finally started on my first suit. I've decided to go with the Mirage IIC core. Here's the plan:

D231-Mirage REF.jpg

This spartan would operate as reconnaissance on in arctic environments, so his armor would be white, and camouflaged to blend into his surroundings. While I have no realistic explanation as for why, I thought I'd take an idea from some Mark VII concept art I saw and give him a poncho, or a torso-less jacket I found on amazon with a black fur cape.

It's been awhile since I have started on the project, so I'm already about ready to start painting and rigging. Here's what I've currently gotten down so far.


Helmet is progressing super well. Although there are some parts my hand-sander or sponges couldn't get into, I think it turned out well. After sanding, I gave it a coat of black primer and silver undercoat. As of right now the helmet fits super well, much better than a previous Reach Air Assault helmet I made awhile back. However, my glasses do not fit.


As of right now, I have the shins, knees, hands, forearms, biceps, hips, waists, cod, and rear plates all printed and ready for a second pass of sanding. I'm definitely looking forward to getting into the meat of this project with painting.
Forgot I had a thread oops

I finished the suit! I managed to get everything printed and con crunched all the sanding, painting, rigging, etc and was able to take it out to a local convention my friend was hosting.

Overall I am happy with how it turned out. I think I could do a bit more on the weathering and take some extra time to really smooth down some seams. I would also like to make a proper undersuit sometime in the future, but for now I’m gearing to work on other projects.


You know I had to do it to them.

I love the sudden "I have a helmet" turns into "oh yeah here is finished suit". Truly is the 405th way. Welcome to the finished armor club! You scaling is very good on this suit! Planning to make any props?
Just got too deep into it man lol. I do have plans for a suppressed M7S and M6C for the Rakshasa ODST I'm working on. Just gotta get those printer settings tuned nicely for the details.

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