Mk vii armor

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What do I start with for my armor the helmet or chest plate


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That's going to depend.
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What do I start with for my armor the helmet or chest plate

My regular advice on build order goes something like this:

Helmet probably should be last, not first. Yeah yeah, everyone wants a helmet to drool over. But it's the thing everyone stares at so you want to do it AFTER you've developed a process, techniques and skills.
Personally I always recommend starting at the feet & hands then working up & in to the body.
• You're going to weather and distress the boots more than anything else... and they get looked at with the least critical eye.
• Then shins which have to ride on the boots.
• Then thighs since you have to avoid joint conflict so you can sit etc.
• See how this goes? Up from the boots, and inward from the hands to forearms to biceps to shoulders.
• By the time you get to the chest and helmet; the parts at eye level that everyone stares at, looks at first, is right there in your face in every photo - you can make them look stellar.
And if you start at the boots you're looking at parts that are only a day or two per part not 6 days per part. So you can hone your scaling skills.

I will preface this by saying do what works for you.

I start nearly every build with the helmet. That's my personal choice as I take the view that if I decide I no longer want to do the suit at some point during the build at least I got a cool display piece out of it. I have several helmets that never got suits to go with them because I changed my mind on the full suit. I don't regret a single one of those helmets either. The downside is that if you're not experienced, and depending on the method of creation, they can be frustrating when they don't turn out exactly as you want them and can be more on the painful side to remake when you do have experience.

That said the other really great place to start in my view is the handplates if you're not experienced building yet. Handplates are small and tend to have relatively simplistic designs which are great for starting out. They don't tend to get a lot of scrutiny from other people compared to the helmet and chestplate, so "mistakes" are less risky. Also because they're small, remaking them after you've gained more experience and knowledge is less of a lift than re-doing a helmet.

My personal take though is to save the chest/back for nearer the end of the process. Outside of the helmet, it's typically the most scrutinized part of the build and tends to be on the more challenging side to build. Even if 3d printed in most cases you'd be printing in parts and want to have a process down that works for you for filling and hiding seams.

My build process tends to go helmet, boots, shins, knees, thighs, biceps, forearms, gloves, chest, back, undersuit, but I used to start with helmet then go arms, torso, legs.
For me it depends. I use primarily Foam for my suits, I normally start with the chest as I find it to be the most important for scaling and overall fit of your build, plus its the centerpiece! It also helps that it usually takes the longest so I find that once its done I can already see the finish line!

Another way of looking at it is to do the forearms, biceps then shoulders. doing both the left and right at the same time to ensure they are mirrored and to reduce inconsistancies. plus if you do both at the same time as you finish one piece BOOM theres 2, and that always feels good! I also agree that I personally like to do the helmet last (and usually is the only piece I have 3D printed)

At the end of the day its all about preference though. I wouldn't overthink it. The most important thing is that you are having fun and enjoying the process!
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