MK VII Shoulder

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New Member
Hey everybody, this is my first foray into modeling armor pieces. It might be hard to tell right now, but this is the shoulder piece from the default MK VII suit. I didn't see this included anywhere. Who knows, maybe I just totally missed it, I'm still learning how this site is organized. I'm going to model it in two main sections with some detachable greebles for the detail work. That should keep it very easy to print and post-process.

I think now is a good time to mention that I'm also looking to collaborate with other parametric modelers so that I don't end up replicating something someone else has already done.

Welcome to the 405th McCool ! A few of us a while back did a group modelling project where we made the Mk VII armour for foam patterns. Some of them have also been released as 3D models, though I've just noticed that the shoulder piece hasn't been uploaded thus far. So this could be a good opportunity to fill that gap.

Out of curiosity, what program are you using to make it?
Welcome to the 405th McCool ! A few of us a while back did a group modelling project where we made the Mk VII armour for foam patterns. Some of them have also been released as 3D models, though I've just noticed that the shoulder piece hasn't been uploaded thus far. So this could be a good opportunity to fill that gap.

Out of curiosity, what program are you using to make it?
I'm using Solidworks, it's what I've been learning in school. But I can limp around Fusion360 as well.
Okay, it is finished. While the colors look pretty sick in my humble opinion, it also denotes the different pieces of the shoulder piece. The very astute may have noticed that in the cosplay guide that 343 was so awesome to provide, the upper section of the armor has a slight crease on the front face. But while I was looking at the various angles provided in the document, I couldn't really see any physical crease there. I think it's just a classic case of textures being used to fake geometry. But since it wasn't really a physical part of the model, I left it out. I'm a little frustrated by the slight crease that appears in the middle of the upper section. I guess I missed marking a tangency. But at this point it would roll back hours of work to fix it. So since it is barely noticeable and would entirely be taken off in the post processing people would need to do anyway, it's staying. Aside from missing some chamfered edges, everything else is pretty accurate. The chamfers were slight enough that I think they can just be sanded on quickly but leaving them off simplifies production across the various means. Overall height of the model is 8 inches, if you do print this or make it in some way, remember that you'll need to scale all parts individually.

Quick side note, left and right for the greebles does not mean left and right of your body but rather the piece itself. To have two shoulder, you will make 2 copies of everything.


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