MK9 Noob saibot mask

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The scaling was simple since I have made the MK Vs. DCU Scorpion and Sub-Zero mask in the past all I did was keep the scale height and used it for future masks, I should be releasing all the masks from MK9 ( and I mean all the ninja face masks ) by the end of the week along with the unfolded parts for the DS2 Security Suit and DS2 Military Suit around the same time.

look forward to them man, love mk, anyone watching the youtube series at the mo ??

and loving the mask mon, looking great, how you gona wear it ??
keep in mind that it is not finished yet. got my wire mesh this morning and did a little work to the outside, but for now i am done with this for the next day at leas t because i have finals to prepare for. i decided to go all black on this because i really like the way it looks. these pics are the mask with a base of primer on it. some work still needs to be done to the middle part.




i plan to put some fabric on the inside to hide how ugly it looks. let me know what you think so far.

Yeah, hot glue works better than I thought

@ ninrendude
I plan to do that I just need to finish the sanding and put a semi gloss paint on it.
Thats looking pretty bad-a$$ dude! I love it. I agree with Nintendude, felt would work really well, just becuase air passes thru it so easy. I'm really lovin it!
good news everyone the mask is done, for the time being anyway, i might go back and re-sand it and then paint it black, heres the pics





sorry for the blurry pics couldn't find my camera so i used my phone.
Great build, I can see why it would be so hard to get that glass smooth finish like the game pic. So with this setup, you don't smell anything too bad/ Even after airing my helmets for a few weeks they still have a bit of a noxious odor.
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