New Member
These are really good! Someone referred me here for the SPI forearm because I'm trying to do a build. Is there any way other pieces will be available in the near future? I'm trying to do a build for Lucy B-091. Thanks. 
I dont know about the rest of you guys, but i need some H4 oceanic helmet files in my life. I think you may be the man for htis. whatcha think?
I think you might need to not be so demanding, direct your attention to the Halo 4 Modelling thread, and actually read the rest of this one while you're at it. Satchmo is taking a break and isn't working on any more requests currently.
That goes for the rest of you too - I'm sure Satchmo appreciates the attention, but it's obvious that work on models has stopped for the time being. Show some respect and don't pester.
i agree with you, people shouldnt be so demanding. but sometimes people dont read the entirety of a thread. so not to be mean or rude, but cut people some slack (unless their just being rude in the first place)
Absolutely not. If people can't have the patience to read a thread through from start to finish before asking questions, they're probably ill-equipped for this hobby.
I refuse to cut people slack for laziness and pestering behaviour, and it tests the limits of my tolerance when I see talented modellers swamped by people demanding or requesting files without doing research or taking the time to consider how much work actually goes into each.
@ pagemaster -take a deep breath and exhale, noobs will be noobs
@ all noobs- with regards to asking for pepakura files and models you have to ask nicely and not be demanding, currently satchmo is taking a massive break from the modeling side of things ( what i heard from him) and hes a really nice guy, so dont upset or annoy him with requests, youl know when hes modeling again when he posts the next batch.
jeez i sounded like mod then....
just respect everyone and do unto others as youd done unto you.
I agree with the Croc on this one, seriously everyone, pepakura isn't the ONLY way to make costumes... the little thing called 'scratch-building' and 'sculpting' have existed long before pepakura and will stay long after. And if you still don't want to do either, then try modelling YOURSELVES.... stop thinking modellers are your slaves, they do this because they -WANT- to, not because they owe you any (unless you have paid a commission then they technically do).