Model portfolio (Satchmo III)

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The hoplite bicep (and shoulder guard) armor has been uploaded at the beginning of the thread and below. In the game the bicep has one of four sides that is slightly different than the other three but I cheated here and made them all the same. We're nearing completion for modeling H2A's hoplite armor set and have only the foot and hip armor remaining.
Halo 2A bicep hoplite (Satchmo III, XXX) 2018-12-30.pdo

Hoplite bicep pep window.png


Nice work Satchmo III . I'll take a stab at the hoplite unfolds. It's nice to have something to do on lunch breaks.

Thanks Duke. Make sure to finish your lunch.
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Everybody cut everybody cut...the hoplite foot-plate has been uploaded to the beginning of the thread and below. Not terribly exciting for the 77th upload but a stout model none the less. Being that this piece is pretty simple, it would be an excellent way for new unfolders to get their feet wet (do you see what I did there?).

Halo 2A foot-plate hoplite (Satchmo III, XXX) 2018-12-30.pdo

Hoplite foot-plate pep window.png

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To infinite and beyond. The master chief helmet from the Halo Infinity E3 2018 trailer has been uploaded at the beginning of the thread and below.

The trailer helmet is a major throwback to Halo 3 with some minor 343i influence so I was drawn to it early on and thought it'd be good to capture it here so anyone interested could build it. In addition to the few reference images attained from the trailer itself, I found some great references on the Halo youtube channel's making of the trailer video. One of the video presenters states that the trailer helmet is not the final game version but none-the-less I wanted to take on the challenge. I'm simply calling this the E318 helmet to avoid confusion down the line when the game comes out.

My model is developed for pepakura so some of the very small details have been omitted for sake of paper assembly. The data chip port at the back of the helmet is a separate piece to also ease assembly a bit. If I detail the model out further for 3D printing I will add in the small details and subtle refinements. Below is a turn table GIF of the completed model and a GIF roughly showing the modeling process.

Although I'd like to unfold this one myself, I'd like more for another member of the forum to contribute an unfold. If you're interested please download the PDO from the link below to work on and then upload your unfold in a thread post or PM to me. Don't know how to unfold but want to learn? Please visit my unfold tutorial for more info (Unfold tutorial (Satchmo III)) or seek out other tutorials on youtube.

Take care four-oh-five!

Halo infinite helmet E318 (Satchmo III, XXX) 2019-01-06.pdo

E318 helmet pep window.png


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Remember Reach. A spartan-III shoulder plate based on concept art by Isaac Hannaford has been uploaded at the beginning of the thread and below. This is a straight forward piece that would be good practice for a new unfolder. Recommended by community member Halochief89. Keep it tight, Nobles.

Reach shoulder spartan-III concept (Satchmo III, XXX) 2019-01-08.pdo

S-III shoulder pep window.png

Tell 'em to make it count...
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I thought people would be more excited for the Halo Infinite helmet but perhaps what everyone is itching for is the re-entry unit from Reach (added below and at the beginning of the thread). Over the holiday I got to play through the game with two of my siblings, which was awesome, and re-stumbled upon this unique and strange thing.

I think I've captured the major shapes here but if built out there are plenty of smaller details and embellishments that could be added to make it look cool. This model requires an unfold if you are interested in the opportunity to do so.

It'd be awesome to see it made into a backpack. The backside of the model is semi open so the inside can be accessed during hardening and then either left open or sealed.

Reach re-entry unit (Satchmo III, XXX) 2019-01-11.pdo

Re-entry pep window.png
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I thought people would be more excited for the Halo Infinite helmet

I am thankfull for sure! The file looks very clean. Very accurate from the little teaser we got.
From what i understood the end result will look different from what was seen in the Trailer...
Anyway, Keep up the good work!

I haven`t found it - this thread is really big:confused:
Satchmo III have you done anything on the Helioskrill armor set?
Or did you finished it already mkshane81 ? I am missing the Shins and boots…
I am currently modelling parts of this set (not in pepakura), but Laptop is buggy :cry:

Thanks in Advance,

you had me at Reach!

Unfold zip file below


  • Reach re-entry unit (Satchmo III, PerniciousDuke)
    114 KB · Views: 390
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I am thankfull for sure! The file looks very clean. Very accurate from the little teaser we got.
From what i understood the end result will look different from what was seen in the Trailer...
Anyway, Keep up the good work!

I haven`t found it - this thread is really big:confused:
Satchmo III have you done anything on the Helioskrill armor set?
Or did you finished it already mkshane81 ? I am missing the Shins and boots…
I am currently modelling parts of this set (not in pepakura), but Laptop is buggy :cry:

Thanks in Advance,


I have not had a chance to finish it unfortunately. I had simply been using the source files from the asset pack in the Armory.


PerniciousDuke has graciously worked up an unfold for the Reach re-entry unit. I believe he'll be submitting it to the armory and I've updated the beginning of this thread with the unfold (link also below). Thanks kindly Duke for your time and effort...I believe someday there will be someone just itching to make the re-entry unit and that person is going to be overjoyed to find this.

Reach re-entry unit (Satchmo III, PerniciousDuke) 2019-01-14.pdo

Re-entry pep window 01.png

I continue working on models for which game assets aren't available. Below is a screenshot of my current WIP. I'm attempting to be mysterious.


Keep it tight, Nobles.

Everything looks great Andy, thanks for sharing!

Thanks so much Matt.

I am thankfull for sure! The file looks very clean. Very accurate from the little teaser we got.
From what i understood the end result will look different from what was seen in the Trailer...
Anyway, Keep up the good work!

I haven`t found it - this thread is really big:confused:
Satchmo III have you done anything on the Helioskrill armor set?
Or did you finished it already mkshane81 ? I am missing the Shins and boots…
I am currently modelling parts of this set (not in pepakura), but Laptop is buggy :cry:

Thanks in Advance,


Thanks for your feedback ReClaimer8015 ! I heard that the E3 trailer helmet isn't what's going to be in the game but I think the model is a neat little snapshot in time if nothing else. Unfortunately I don't plan on working up anything for the Helioskrill at this time but good luck modeling the shins and boots yourself...the armory does have the game assets which you could use as a base to simplify or detail (depending if you're using pepakura/foam or 3d printing).
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good luck modeling the shins and boots yourself

I haven`t spend much time on this, but i am surprised how much i got done in a short timeframe. Obviously aiming for 3d printing, but might create simplified templates from this:

helio 2.jpg

My capacities just allow me to model with NURBS only, imagine that:lol:
After hitting a certain number of polygons my pc gives up.... but with such a method results are very smooth. Perfekt for this kind of armor.
Anyways, don`t want to hijack your thread, keep the posts coming!(y)

I can't hold mystery for very long...the H2A ODST helmet has been uploaded at the beginning of the thread and below. I like this design quite a bit. Its clean and and subtle curves had me tweaking this model more than I usually do. I've unfolded this one so I don't get too out of practice with unfolds...unfolding is a lot like putting together a puzzle or playing tetris (the latter of which is tops).

As for the E318 model, I put together a GIF of the overall modeling process, I got a bit fancier with the animation and started to also play around with textures and bump-mapping (just for rendering cosmetics). See below. Take care four-oh-five!

Halo 2A helmet ODST (Satchmo III) 2019-01-19.pdo

H2A ODST-helm pep window.png


I haven`t spend much time on this, but i am surprised how much i got done in a short timeframe. Obviously aiming for 3d printing, but might create simplified templates from this:

View attachment 264728

My capacities just allow me to model with NURBS only, imagine that:lol:
After hitting a certain number of polygons my pc gives up.... but with such a method results are very smooth. Perfekt for this kind of armor.
Anyways, don`t want to hijack your thread, keep the posts coming!(y)

I'm not very familiar with NURBS but what you've done on the forearm is very clean. I think I had heard that the CG work in the first Jurassic Park was done with NURBS. What software do you use?

No worries on hijacking the thread...I set up the first few posts to be a repository for everything contained throughout the thread so that discussions could develop as they will without stuff getting covered up and hard to find. If you get into polygonal modeling and have any questions I might be able to help. And thanks so much for the encouragement!
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Right now i am doing almost everything in Rhinoceros 5, because i am most comfortable with it. Nurbs are just idealistic bodys out of 2d-lines.
So they are always very smooth, but too many changes which do not correctly align and the perfect surface brakes appart. Unless with polygons where you can make as many iterations as you want and smooth it later on. It is also just easier to handle for your Computer. (Files tend to be smaller)
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ADD UPDATE (H2A ODST helmet for 3D print)...

A higher detail H2A ODST helmet (for 3D print) has been uploaded to the beginning of the thread and below. I was digging on the subtle curves of the H2A ODST helmet and wanted to show more love for the anniversary aesthetics so I worked on detailing out the simpler pepakura model for 3D printing. The linked model is in STL format. Scaling and sectioning of the model for a print bed is the responsibility of the user.

Halo 2A helmet ODST 3D print (Satchmo III) 2019-01-25.stl

Below are a few renders of the model. The first is turn-table of the model, the texture here isn't actual geometry but just simulated for rendering using normal map trickery. The model is smooth like is shown in the blue-pink-purple image that follows the turn-table.



I opened the STL file in the cura slicer program to verify it isn't buggy or has too large a file size. A slicer program prepares gcode which are the instructions that tell the 3D printer what to do. Be sure to scale and/or section the model to your liking.

H2A ODST-helm 3Dprint window.png

Finally, I dropped the helmet into the world of Ivalice. Maybe Ramza can make some use of it. I love Halo, but it's always good to inject more FFT into your life.


Thanks for reading, any thoughts or feedback are appreciated. I hope to see more builds with lesser known pieces. Keep building four-oh-five!

Right now i am doing almost everything in Rhinoceros 5, because i am most comfortable with it. Nurbs are just idealistic bodys out of 2d-lines.
So they are always very smooth, but to many changes which do not correctly align and the perfect surface brakes appart. Unless with polygons where you can make as many iterations as you want and smooth it later on. It is also just easier to handle for your Computer. (Files tend to be smaller)

I may have to give the NURBS a go sometime ReClaimer8015. I'm constantly tweaking or re-shaping while using polygons so I'm not sure if it would suit me. I do like to try new things though, as with anything just knowing other ways to do something can inform your overall process and make you more well rounded.
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Woooo you should consider an unfold of the H2A ODST, that would be cool, or H2A Marines!

By way of an anti-pernicious act by PerniciousDuke, an unfold for the Halo Infinite E318 trailer helmet has been uploaded below and at the beginning of the thread. I wonder if John will finish the current predicament in which he finds himself.

Halo infinite helmet E318 (Satchmo III, PerniciousDuke) 2019-02-15.pdo

E318 helmet pep window2.png

Oh my god that H2A 3d print ODST....hng. Absolutely unbelievable buddy!

May a presume hng is like a drooling noise? If so, this is one of the best compliments I've received.

Woooo you should consider an unfold of the H2A ODST, that would be cool, or H2A Marines!

Are you talking an unfold of the H2A ODST helmet? That'll never happen. The H2A marine helmet would be cool though.
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