Momentocon (Sept. 4-5 Pittsburgh) 2021

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Stream Team
Member DIN
Con...vention? Convention. CONVENTIONS ARE COMING BACK!!

It's been a long wait, but yes conventions are slowly coming back after the global fiasco of 2020. And with the return of conventions also comes the return of the 405th booth, where we can show our creative works and welcoming community to the general public. This year is the start of a new convention in Pittsburgh called Momentocon. Happening on Sept.4-5 at the David L. Lawrence Center, Momento is packed full of guests and panels, and will also include a 405th booth. For more information on the convention, follow the link here: Momento Con | Sept 4-5, 2021 | Pittsburgh, PA | ORDER TICKETS NOW!

If you're interested in coming to Momentocon and want to help out with the booth, please post a comment below so we can get you a badge for admission and possibly discuss hotel accommodations. Hope to see you there :)

Ps. Please remember to follow all rules of the convention when it comes to COVID19 regulations. Rules and regulations may change as time progresses, and it is completely understandable if you do not feel comfortable attending conventions yet. Play it safe and smart, and let's work through bringing convention hype and fun back together.
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I am interested but I have no idea if I will be available (or if my suit will be finished by then). Can I be a maybe?
We'll pencil you in as a maybe. Just let us know closer to the con date if you can, and having a finished suit is not a requirement if you want to help out.
Might be there but good chance I won't be wearing Halo stuff.
If I get my undersuit for my reach suit and finish Jorge maybe?
Alright I'll mark you as a maybe as well. Being only a 2 day event and short staffed I won't expect us to get out and parade around as much as some of the bigger cons. Baby steps of getting back to con normality.
We are now 2 weeks out from the event. I certainly know things can change however we are looking a little short staffed to represent the tables for this event. If anyone is planning or can spare a little time let us know, it would greatly be appreciated and would make for everyone to have a fun time.
It's poor timing I know but I'ma have to be a no rather than a maybe. It's just not looking doable for me. Sorry friends.
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