Monday Night Colonial Meet-up on DIscord

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Hey Colonial crew, RXO Benton here. As the global crisis continues we've looked into a few ways to keep productivity up with costume building, and keep up to date with what members are doing in general. If you haven't heard about it yet, the 405th Discord has been bumping with activity quite recently and through it we've been able to talk, share ideas, and host gaming nights on a daily basis.

With this we're going to start having a Colonial Hang Out Night, every Monday night starting at 8:15pm EST. All you need to join in is to have the Discord App (Either on PC or on your phone.), join the 405th Discord using your 405th name ( You can join by clicking the link in the thread here: The official 405th Infantry Division Discord is live! and you'll need a microphone as well. You can also use your webcam or phone camera too if you want to appear on screen, but that is up to you.

So come hang out, talk or show what you've been working on or what's been going on this past crazy year, talk Infinite news, or play some games. If you have any questions or need help getting set up you can reach out to me, (Benton188),Mike (Harri51), or Frank (serenko3)
Hey Colonial crew, RXO Benton here. As the global crisis continues we've looked into a few ways to keep productivity up with costume building, and keep up to date with what members are doing in general. If you haven't heard about it yet, the 405th Discord has been bumping with activity quite recently and through it we've been able to talk, share ideas, and host gaming nights on a daily basis.

With this we're going to start having a Colonial Hang Out Night, every Monday night starting at 8:15pm EST. All you need to join in is to have the Discord App (Either on PC or on your phone.), join the 405th Discord using your 405th name ( You can join by clicking the link in the thread here: The official 405th Infantry Division Discord is live! and you'll need a microphone as well. You can also use your webcam or phone camera too if you want to appear on screen, but that is up to you.

So come hang out, talk or show what you've been working on or what's been going on this past crazy year, talk Infinite news, or play some games. If you have any questions or need help getting set up you can reach out to me, (Benton188),Mike (Harri51), or Frank (serenko3)
Just seeing this now, will do sounds fun!
Hey guys, hoping to get into the discord join up soon, as I have switched back to days for work for a bit. Looking forward to Monday next week.
Sweet man! Hey if you want swing by my place sometime and grab the marine armor and you dremel bits
Sweet man! Hey if you want swing by my place sometime and grab the marine armor and you dremel bits
Yeah! I forget everytime I am traveling for work. I am home for the week, so maybe this week, or next weekend would work?
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