Monster Hunter World: Odogaron armour build

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Oooooooh... Monster Hunter... nice job paiganboi! Looks just like the game!
Thank you sir. With every part that is built our skills get better.
If a person completes a part and feels that it can look better and game accurate. Go for the upgrade.
With this build I have made the most adjustments, surgeries to fix wonky parts and rebuilds cuz of unsuccessful results compared to all my other builds to date.
Alright then. The new claw hand is painted and glued onto the glove.
It is a huge improvement from version one.

The usual process was followed. Sealed the foam. Dropped some colours. Quick and dirty black wash and then black dry brush to give some depth.
Photo dump time. Small progress. Again procrastinating on the wig wefts.
I used some purse magnets make the mask removable from the base helm.
I also reworked my existing leg armour. It used to look like this.
It pretty shoddy work and the rope details that will go with it would look terrible.
I instead made a base set of greaves (that the right word?) which the shin plates will attach to with purse magnets.
All said an done its a much improved armour part. Ropes were added to complete the look. Will now paint it black to match the rest of the armour.
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The mane is looking fantastic. Have you used any hairspray or product to help it keep it's shape?
I haven't thought of using any hair product. I figured that since the mane is made up of a cut up fake fur rug I wouldn't have to worry about styling.
If you scroll back a few posts I think there is a pic of individual "spikes" of hair.
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Alright alright alright. Wefts are all glued on. I just need to make a couple of braids that hang down the side and a couple that wrap back to form a small pony tail.

I also added some screening to hide my eyes. Now... Do I play with LEDs a d have a pair of glowing blue irises or be cheap and paint blue irises on...
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