Monster Hunter World: Odogaron armour build

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Been home sick for the past couple of days. So instead of staying in bed sleeping it off what do I do? Work on my cosplay of course!
Been patterning iut the helmet... Or mask... Whatever you call this thing...

Two major adjustments are needed here. The snout is too long. Will prob have to chop it by 2 inches and the other is the eyes. Instead of a mean menacing look, it looks like it's about to cry cuz some stole his candy...
With the patterns everything looks like it has 90 degree angles. Those will have to be rounded off when foaming everything.
Okay... So I bought some 10mm thick rope.
View attachment 266091
The plan was to braid the 10mm and use it for the neck guards... Turns out 10mm is way thicker than I need. So now I have to settle for one strand to use. View attachment 266093

For comparison here's a side by side of what it's supposed to look like.
View attachment 266094
The question is does anyone know what I could use to tie up or crimp the ends with so I could unravel the ends to have to tassels at the tips?

Oh here's a shot of the armour so far...
View attachment 266095

I think traditionally you would take thread and wrap it around the rope a bunch really tight, which gives it that bunched look. Them before cutting it use a needle to send it through the rope a few before tying it off.

I love seeing your pieces. Every piece is so bold.
Not much to update. I was sitting on the patterns for the helmet. I wasn't happy with how the jaw line was. It didn't look right. After digging around on the interwebs for better references I found some that showed the snout wasn't flat it ended in a point like a dogs nose. So along with shortening the snout I gave a better shape to the tip. I also adjusted the brow line so it doesn't look so sad.

Now I can finally get to uilding this out of foam.
Assembly of the helmet today.

The lower part turned out really well. I am quite pleased about it. The ears and upper part turned out well too.

The only thing that didn't turn out so well was the upper and lower don't fit like it should. I'm gonna have to play around with it... My have to add, remove or really heat form the foam to get it work.
Got the top part attached. I ended up using little cubes of foam on the inside of the ear. At firs there were only 3 on eat side, then I added a couple of more just to make sure it would hold.

Then I added a strip of 6mm foam down the centre of the snout for detail and went to work with a wood burner.

With this angle Odogaron looks like a Baboon ...
Looking good 'boi. I've never actually played the game, so I don't see how the mask will sit, horizontal or more vertical, but I'm looking forward to how yours looks once it's on.

You are gonna take pictures of it being on, right? ...Right?!
Looking good 'boi. I've never actually played the game, so I don't see how the mask will sit, horizontal or more vertical, but I'm looking forward to how yours looks once it's on.

You are gonna take pictures of it being on, right? ...Right?!
That's the funny thing. I haven't test fit any of this stuff that I have made. I have a feeling that this is gonna bite me in the butt.
Even for the mask itself there is a whole set up I have to figure out. I need a white wig to wear along with the mask.
Look! I've made some teeth!
Got some Lumin's Workshop foam clay from Redmoon Cosplay.

After 48 hour cure time, the teeth were sanded and then detailed with wood burner. Foam clay doesnt melt like eva foam. The lines aren't as clean.
My dilemma now. Is weather to attach the teeth now then paint or.... Paint separately and then attach to mask.
You run less risk of color bleed if you paint THEN assemble. It also allows better access to the whole of each tooth. That way you're not roving around like a dentist, touching tooth paint to everything.
The eternal dilemma of choosing whether it's better to make painting or gap filling easier. :sick:

For precise fitted parts such as 3D printed weapon props I'll paint in parts but large organic pieces I like to piece everything together first, fill gaps and make weathering easy.
Small amount of progress tonight. Made a cuff/bracers with a zipper for ease of taking on and off. Added velcro as well to attach the arm guard. This cuff was a bloody annoying mess. My measurement of my forearm turned out to be off. I had to either add or take out material before it fit properly... Now I know how Dirtdives felt with his Centurion helmet. At least it didn't take 8 tries to get it right.
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Now why on the green planet we call home did I never think of installing a zipper?! My lord, man, that would cure all my forearm woes!
I just happened to stumble upon this idea myself. I was scrolling through Instagram and there it was. Some dude had made a two part forearm piece.
I thought "This is perfect for my MHW build! I'm stealing this idea!!!"
I didn't want to start a new thread so I'm gonna ask those of you who are wise and experienced in different types of foam. I have found a local cosplay online cosplay supply store that has L200 sheet of foam available. Now my question is.... How does this compare to the standard puzzle mat sheets and a more dense foam like... lets say a 90kg sheet from Red Moon cosplay?
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