Monster Hunter World: Odogaron armour build

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So... Here is my work around for wood bending...

I ran the end under hot water for a few minites laced it through the the rack and then used my PCV pipe that's for the handle to bend it. Will check on it tomorrow to see how well this bend will stay.

Couple of other things to update.
The mask had some extra bits of 6mm foam for details and then some details burned in.

Then I made a strap for the slinger. Wrapped my arm in plastic wrap then duct tape to make a template.
Cut the foam and then glued it to some faux leather.

Attached the part to the slinger and added strapping and snaps.


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So... Here is my work around for wood bending...
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I ran the end under hot water for a few minites laced it through the the rack and then used my PCV pipe that's for the handle to bend it. Will check on it tomorrow to see how well this bend will stay.

Couple of other things to update.
The mask had some extra bits of 6mm foam for details and then some details burned in.
View attachment 268233

Then I made a strap for the slinger. Wrapped my arm in plastic wrap then duct tape to make a template.
Cut the foam and then glued it to some faux leather.
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Attached the part to the slinger and added strapping and snaps.
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I'm interested to see if this bending jig works.

If this doesn't turn out so well check out the local hardware store metal bin for some allthread. I use it primarily as support in 3D prints but other folks that use my cosplay dungeon have used it as inserts for foam swords such as the Parallel Falchion.
Progress on the long sword.
Made some templates for the guard and layered 3 pieces of foam for each part.

After I had carved and rounded off part with rotary I realised I was missing a section. I had made it with 3 'knuckles' for each wing thingie instead of 4. Made the appropriate changes and assembled.

For the blade, I inserted the wooden dowel. I was successful in putting a bend into it (forgot to take photos).

In the pic the handle is on but not attached. I might heat up the PVC and flatten it a bit so the handle isn't so round.
Small update... My blade has an edge.

Carved out as much foam as could to create the edge. Then took some paint stir sticks with sandpaper glue to it. I went from 80, 120,180 and then 220. After that I heat sealed it to shrink down any fuzzies. There a few low spots on either side. I may leave it and use it as part of the weathering.
So it has been a month since I last posted. The build is pretty much dead in the water at this point.
Due to money being really tight right now, I can no longer put money into this build to complete it. Also because of the situation, I won't be able to attend any Cons this year.
Needless to say this has been a big demotivating kick to the nards.
Hopfeully things will turn around... like soon. Or.... I win the Lottery.... or rob a bank. Then I can get back on the build and complete this.
I really want to finish this too. :cry::cry:
So, I'm just going to ignore the conspiracy to commit felonies....

When I was in San Francisco some years ago I saw two goth people with CRAZY hair, white makeup and all the trimmings standing next to a crosswalk with a sign that said

"pictures with punks, $5.00 "

You could try something with your ODST similar to that...
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Or children's birthday parties.

Yard sale?
Bake sale?
Coyote hunt, if they're a problem up there?
Armor commissions?
My place of work is hiring...
sell a kidney?
Sell your son's kidney? (Jk)
Sell artwork?
You're in Canada, so snow removal is always an option.
U.S./Canada wall graffiti cleanup?
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